For moms and dads, kids are the precious gifts the universe granted them. Therefore, they want to be the best parents who help their children grow up to be good and successful adults in the future. They try their best to learn parenting tips. But the knowledge seems to be never enough because each kid has different characteristics and each devepment stage has specific challenging.
As a result, many women have turned to Facebook mom groups to ask for help with their parenting issues. And some questions are ridiculous - so much so that the online community couldn't help but laugh out loud. One mom, for example, asked whether it was weird when her 3-year-old kissed her nipples and said he loved them. Another's son found a vibrator on her bed and she inquired whether she should let him play with it. They're very insane, aren't they? Scroll down to check out other weirdest questions that moms have ever asked on online groups.
As a result, many women have turned to Facebook mom groups to ask for help with their parenting issues. And some questions are ridiculous - so much so that the online community couldn't help but laugh out loud. One mom, for example, asked whether it was weird when her 3-year-old kissed her nipples and said he loved them. Another's son found a vibrator on her bed and she inquired whether she should let him play with it. They're very insane, aren't they? Scroll down to check out other weirdest questions that moms have ever asked on online groups.
#1. Live animals as... party favors?
Source: Reddit
#2. "My friends are also pregnant and I don't feel special. How dare they ruin my experience"
Source: Reddit
#3. What would you do if your toddler comes home smelling like a laundry detergent?
Source: Reddit
#4. Would you give your 12-year-old an electric taser?
Source: Reddit
#5. Should I let my 12 and 10-year-old watch Game of Thrones?
Source: Reddit
#6. Is Doc McStuffins a girly show?
Source: Reddit
#7. Should I let me son to play with my vibrator?
Source: Reddit
#8. A ghost have sex with you before?
Source: Reddit
#9. Which essential oils that help my son with his anger
Source: Reddit
#10. Do you miss your partners when they are at work?
Source: Reddit
#11. How do you get your little ones to stop cursing?
Source: Reddit
#12. Has anyone kicked an ear infection without antibiotics?
Source: Reddit
#13. Am I wrong for making cookies with breastmilk?
Source: Reddit
#14. Is it weird when my 3-year-old kisses my nipples and says he loves them?
Source: Reddit
#15. Can I give my kid meth?
Source: Reddit
#16. Is there a way to cleanse the home of bad vibes?
Source: Reddit
#17. "Yep Karen. They’re putting drugs in your pizza"
Source: Reddit
#18. What can I do to keep my unvaccinated kid from getting sick?
Source: Reddit