30 Technically True Things That You Can't Argue With This Logic

Leona Martinez

There are a lot of questions that are hard to give the right answer to. Therefore, sometimes in life, you don't need to answer a question or make a claim that's really right. But you can say technical true things that can crack people up instead. If you want to find this type of information, the ‘Technically the Truth’ subreddit is the best place for you. It's where about 2.0M truthers dedicate their time to share information that is technically true, but far from the expected answer.
Here are some of the most hilarious examples of technically true things that are bound to make your jaw drop. For instance, the reason why pyramids in Egypt is because they are too heavy to be carried to the British Museum. Or people can go the rest of their life without eating or drinking. They are not right. But they are hilariously true. Scroll down to check out other amusing examples. And don't forget to upvote for your favs.

#1. She thinks outside the box

Source: reddit.com

#2. Most good jokes have kernels of truth

Source: reddit.com

#3. Most accurate pie chart

Source: reddit.com

#4. Yeah, why didn't he make a call ahead

Source: reddit.com

#5. DIY smoke machines

Source: reddit.com

#6. Definitely a bird

Source: reddit.com

#7. That is explained pretty badly

Source: reddit.com

#8. Imagination isn't limitless

Source: reddit.com

#9. I can't even argue

Source: reddit.com

#10. A pack of cigarettes

Source: reddit.com

#11. Indeed, Polar bears are very dangerous!

Source: reddit.com

#12. Can't argue with their reasoning

Source: reddit.com

#13. The notice is the notice

Source: _RobinSchultz

#14. Nothing is safe

Source: reddit.com

#15. Definitely true

Source: showerfeelings

#16. My daughter is one of “those kids”

Source: reddit.com

#17. Both do have the same answer

Source: reddit.com

#18. We've melt all the icebergs

Source: Y2SHAF

#19. Please don’t ban me

Source: reddit.com

#20. Solid logic

Source: reddit.com

#21. You know, 'cause power... electricity. Nobody? Okay, I'll see myself out

Source: reddit.com

#22. Looks comfy

Source: reddit.com

#23. I can't even argue

Source: Browtweaten

#24. Statistics don’t lie

Source: reddit.com

#25. Presenting your royal highness

Source: reddit.com

#26. He isn't confused or lost

Source: reddit.com

#27. It kinda hard to argue this logic

Source: reddit.com

#28. Fertility is hereditary

Source: reddit.com

#29. He has a good point

Source: reddit.com

#30. A rollercoaster indeed, very emotional

Source: reddit.com