25 Times People Thought They Could Trick Someone, But They Won The 'Didn’t Happen Of The Year Awards' Instead

Leona Martinez

One of the best things about social media is that it allows us to bond over shared experiences—and a shared sense of humor. You can even spend hours just scrolling through the news feeds and laughing at funny tweets that people shared. And, more often than not, Twitter users will do or say everything, no matter what kind it would be, just to gain fame or the attention of the community.

Sometimes, they do a good job at it, but most of the time, what they do is nothing more than a source of amusement for others. Like these folks, they thought that they could deceive others, yet things they say seem to be exaggerated to the point of being painfully funny. All of the awkward moments have been collected and then shared by a Twitter account Didn’t Happen to the Year Awards (DHOTYA). For your convenience, we have compiled a list of 25 of the best posts. Scroll down to check them out.


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


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Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA


Source: _DHOTYA