The Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown to encompass a diverse range of movies, characters, and stars. Working together for almost a decade is certain to bring individuals together, and the Avengers ensemble is no exception. It's likely that these folks have spent more time together than their own relatives.
It's no wonder that they prefer to mock each other whenever they have the chance, considering their sense of humor and outrageous activities. Here are some of the funniest occasions the Avengers cast roasted one other, from digs at spending too much time in hair and makeup to pretending to have tattoos of each other's faces.
It's no wonder that they prefer to mock each other whenever they have the chance, considering their sense of humor and outrageous activities. Here are some of the funniest occasions the Avengers cast roasted one other, from digs at spending too much time in hair and makeup to pretending to have tattoos of each other's faces.