21 Funny Kids’ Drawings That Won't Be Going On The Fridge

Leona Martinez

Kids are so innocent. We can clearly see their pureness in the Funny Kids Drawings. Are you interested in seeing their artwork?
Children don't care about what adults are thinking. They just enjoy their beautiful world and create magic with colors. You can easily see their world, which is reflected in their drawings in the funniest way. And, more often than not, their masterpieces unintendedly make adults widen their eyes.

21 funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The Fridge

We've gathered 21 magical masterpieces that these little angels have clearly poured their hearts and souls into. Scroll down to check them out. We're sure that you will have to fall in love with kids’ imagination. If you have any drawings of your kids, don't hesitate to share them with us in the comment section below. And now, have a good time with hilarious and creative kids' drawings.

#1. Oh goodness

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The Fridge 21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The Fridge

Source: shan_johnston

#2. My 7-year-old kid drew this out of the blue at breakfast the other day. I found it after he left for school

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: reddit.com

#3. Good morning from what my student thinks I look like!

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: friendlyneighborhoodartteacher

#4. While cleaning the basement, I found an old drawing my sister drew when she was little.....of her sacrificing me to the alien gods

Source: imgur.com

#5. My cousin's first drawing of her Mum (she's 5)

Source: imgur.com

#6. My friend's daughter had a school assignment to "Write one sentence about a family member and draw a picture about it"

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: reddit.com

#7. My daughter drew this and put it on my bedroom wall. I didn't get much sleep last night

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: chrisporkerwebb

#8. The homework was “Draw your mommy”

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: yaplakal.com

#9. I think Charlie might have been affected a little too much by our stay in the city...

Source: bevleeharling

#10. Jellyfish

Source: kavin.thamizh

#11. Picture a kid drew, posted on the art wall at my local restaurant

Source: reddit.com

#12. Wowww

Source: acidcow.com

#13. A Chinese kid draws on dad’s passport. They are stuck in South Korea

Source: reddit.com

#14. This kid's traumatizing experience at the dentist

Source: acidcow.com

#15. A group of 5-year-olds in Sunday School were asked to draw a picture that showed how Jesus loved them. One kid drew this and the teacher captioned what he said about his picture

Source: reddit.com

#16. I wonder is if she would like me to grow a mustache

Source: michaelbergenstjerna

#17. This drawing had me in stitches today

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: said_the_teacher

#18. Medusa

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: imgur.com

#19. Simply is the best

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: alamur0130

#20. Coworkers kid drew me a picture...

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: reddit.com

#21. Three fingers

21 Funny Kids Drawings That Won't Be Going On The FridgeSource: theraucousmum

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