23 Funny Pics Of People Trying To Sell Mirrors That Are Bound To Make You Giggle

Leona Martinez

Here are the funny pics of people trying to sell mirrors in the reflection. Scroll down to check them out.
Selling and buying something online have lots of potential risks. Because of not seeing the product directly, customers seem to be so confused that they hesitate to buy it. As a result, sellers usually take photos of their products from different angles, which helps buyers see the item clearly. Moreover, taking aesthetic pics of the products not only can draw the attention of buyers but also increase the rate they buy the item.
But when it comes to selling a mirror, taking a picture of it makes them extremely irritated because of the reflection. And it's impossible for them to take a photo of a mirror if they don't stand in front of it. However, this drawback became an advantage when the reflection in the mirror make people couldn't help but burst out laughing.

23 Funny Pics Of People Trying To Sell Mirrors That Are Bound To Make You Giggle

#1. Cubism 101

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: SivMajor

#2. Ghosts are real

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: gabideg97

#3. Still looking for someone who will buy this

Source: craigslist_mirrors

#4. That's awesome!

mirrors for sale funnySource: Koheijito

#5. Try to be sexy to attract more attention?

hilarious pics people selling mirrorsSource: SivMajor

#6. When mirrors selfie

When mirrors selfieSource: SivMajor

#7. LOL

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: SivMajor

#8. This is amazing!

This is amazing!Source: SivMajor

#9. A family effort

A family effortSource: msgnomer

#10. I’m guessing this tiger has seen some terrible things

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: purpleisafruit2

#11. Well someone nailed it!

Well someone nailed it!Source: ShanissaMCFLY

#12. Mirror $10, doggo - priceless!

Mirror $10, doggo - priceless!Source: sami_somebody

#13. This is an awesome idea!

This is an awesome idea!Source: abbyiscoolest

#14. My sister tried to buy a mirror on Craigslist, no picture was put up so she asked the guy to send her one...was not disappointed

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: BeatPutinArmWreslin

#15. "Why are you selling the other dog mom?"

Why are you selling the other dog momSource: craigslist_mirrors

#16. If you buy the mirror she will tell you about the creepy woman behind the door with a camera

 If you buy the mirrorSource: SivMajor

#17. It belongs in a museum

It belongs in a museumSource: madison_spencer

#18. Banana for sales

Banana for salesSource: SivMajor

#19. Seem she is doing something wrong

Seem she is doing something wrongSource: SivMajor

#20. Are the dimensions for the mirror, or the dog?

Are the dimensions for the mirrorSource: locheeri0

#21. I had to search for a while before I found the mirror at all

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: craigslist_mirrors

#22. That’s a very magnifying mirror...

That’s a very magnifying mirror...Source: darcifender

#23. Mirror ninja

people trying to sell mirrorsSource: ShanissaMCFLY

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