People Found Their Parents Were Cooler Than Them, And Shared These Photos For A New TikTok Challenge

Leona Martinez

TikTok is one of the world’s most popular apps nowadays. We're positive that many of you most likely have this app or have at least heard of it. Created in 2016 as a portal for short, humorous clips, TikTok has become more attractive with viral internet challenges. Recently, there is a new TikTok challenge where kids are sharing pics of their moms and dads to show how they were before and how they are now.
Sometimes, your dad tells you that all the girls loved him during his time but you don't believe it because of his current appearance. However, try to find any pics of him in the past, somehow they can make you gape at and change your opinion immediately. Like these kids, they couldn't help but share the coolest pics of their young parents on TikTok. We've collected 20 of the most impressive ones. Scroll down to check them out.


Source: lilpeachyhana


Source: mariaa_m95


Source: andreanotykii


Source: rol_tim


Source: nicolechangmin.raw


Source: miichaelltran


Source: luvpabs


Source: rocknyl


Source: stormy.bubbles


Source: killakushlaa


Source: 4im33k1m


Source: drsallymanderchoi


Source: tsardon


Source: yeokenjjo11


Source: logansisk


Source: vanillavilla20


Source: speishi_


Source: ribenajoe


Source: chuamissy


Source: elyyyyze