The Mayans Did Not Actually Disappear, Said Scientists

Larry Campbell

Researchers have recently claimed that the Mayan civilization, a Mesoamerican civilization in pre-Columbian Americas, did not simply vanish into the thin air.
Although the Mayan society continues to exist until present day, its political structure has been disorganized, not to say collapsed ever since.

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The Maya people have resided in Central America and the Yucatan Peninsula, however their ancient civilization had disappeared between the fourth and the 10th century AD for mysterious reasons.
At the same time, the term “collapse” is, to some extent, incorrect in this scenario because it is often identified with constant ruins. However, the truth is quite different, according to LiveScience.
The political structure used by the Mayans, not the society, was the thing that had fallen into disarray, believed researchers.

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Professor Lisa Lucero from University of Illinois said that about 7 million descendants of the Mayan have survived until today, scattering among both Central America and even far beyond its borders.
That was because the Maya people lacked a leader, a person who would have been able to unite them into a single entity, a united, single state. The civilization only consisted of a slew of minor states scattering around the capital.

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Of course, the Mayans shared their religions and cultures, alongside other important features, but they were still separated because each state had its own particular ruler.
Some of the Mayans states started to crumble and collapse between 800 and 1000 AD, while others thrived for a longer period. Consequently, it is almost out of the question to argue that the whole civilization has fully collapsed and declined.

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The long drought has resulted in the city of Chichen Itza dropping its status as the primary metropolis for the Mayans. At the same time, Mayapan, the city in the Yucatan Peninsula, started to rapidly develop.
During the colonization of Central America, many of the Mayans even died from diseases brought with the Europeans, though the ancient civilization continued to survive even after the war broke out in the region.
Many people died from diseases brought with the Europeans during the colonization of Central America, and ancient civilizations continued to survive even after the war in the region.