Anunnaki Alien, The Gods That Ruled Us, Are Returning To Earth

Larry Campbell

As stated by a Pentagon source, the Annunaki, the ancient gods, are returning to our planet from space. As stated by Stan Deyo, they are preparing to make their way back to our home.

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The two comets, ISON and Encke, are attributed to the Anunnaki. With two well-known celestial objects, many may question why these two comets were given their names.

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As Anunnaki and one of their key commanders, Anu, the word “on” is related with the word “an” (pronounced “on”). Anu was believed to be the supreme source of all authority, for the other gods and for all mortal rulers, and he is described in one text as the one "who contains the entire universe" in ancient Mesopotamian religion

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Encke (Enki) was a Mesopotamian god who was also known as Ea (this is why our planet would be called earth). Enki was the god of craftsmanship, mischief, water, intelligence, and creation all at the same time.

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A number of witnesses, however, claimed to have seen a sequence of strangeness in the sky that were attributed to UFOs because there were no stars or planets at that time in that area of the sky. Furthermore, several stories reported to have observed these UFOs alter their color and size.

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If those comets are actually Anunnaki spaceships, it would be comprehensible that the government is taking part in covering the information about Anunnaki approaching our planet (once more.)

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Nevertheless, that act of governments would only help keep us remain ignorant, leading to people sticking to their beliefs that they are alone in this universe.

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