25 Reasons Why The English Makes No Sense Utterly

Leona Martinez

With about 1.348 billion speakers, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is an official language in at least 59 nations and the unofficial lingua franca in a number of others. No language in history has ruled the world quite like English does today. As it is believed to be the golden ticket to the realms of education and international commerce, more and more people are eager to learn this language. We're gonna talk about why English makes no sense utterly
For English-native speakers, English is not a big deal. But for those who use this language as a secondary tongue, it seems to be quite tricky. From the inconsistent pronunciation to the phrases that have seven or more different meanings depending on the stressed word, English seems to be the craziest language. Scroll down to check out some of the weirdest, most infuriating quirks about the English language we've gathered.


Source: iowahawkblog


Source: tumblr.com


Source: allisonkollins


Source: shadowwraiths.tumblr.com


Source: tumblr.com


Source: dajo42.co.vu


Source: showerfeelings

#8. Why English makes no sense

Source: lisaquestions


Source: MikeFinesse_


Source: questlon.tumblr.com


Source: egberts.tumblr.com


Source: tumblr.macleodsawyer.com

#13. Why English makes no sense

Source: chlothegod


Source: moist-grunge.tumblr.com


Source: unknown

#16. Why English makes no sense

Source: languageguru.tumblr.com


Source: farmsuggestion.tumblr.com


Source: trexis__


Source: invicxtus.tumblr.com

#20. Why English makes no sense

Source: Real_jaeflex


Source: rudy_betrayed


Source: livemulticulturually.tumblr.com


Source: unknown


Source: PatrickReza

#25. Why English makes no sense

Source: DankertJackson

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