People Are Sharing Their Worst Job Interviews On Twitter, And They Are Hilarious

Leona Martinez

Searching for a job is not easy. The whole process, from finding, applying to, interviewing for the job, requires a lot of effort from the applicants. The interview round is said to be the most difficult. The reason is simple. The applicants will have face-to-face conversations with interviewers who will ask a lot of questions about them to determine whether they're a fit for both the job and the company. Therefore, mistakes or incidents are inevitable during the interviews.
Like these people, they have experienced the worst job interviews ever. When a Twitter user Kristin (@fencheeks) described the ridiculous experience she had with one recruiter, many people didn't hesitate to share their own red flags. Their hilarious stories have made others burst out laughing. Scroll down to check them out. And what was the worst job interview you've had? Share with us in the comment section below.

Source: fencheeks

Source: fencheeks

#1. The Tweed soon had hundreds of replies, as people shared the truly weird and/or awful red flags they had during interviews

Source: glimbrick


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