Ask for help whenever you are in trouble since even heroes also cry for assistance. As people all need support sometimes, today, we would love to show our picks for the top 10
Disney mentors who do the leading characters a good turn.
For the post below, we aim at the teachers helping to bring the
Disney hero/heroine to their full potential. We compile those roles who are more guides and advisers rather than sidekicks, such as the Fairy Godmother from "Cinderella" or Tala from "Moana".
So, let's scroll down to check the file out. As many of your favorite casts are in there, you cannot miss this collection!
#1 Rafiki (The Lion King, 1994)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
Finding that Simba is still alive, the wise and respected Rafiki reminds him of who he is and that his father’s spirit lives on within him. Rafiki convinces and encourages Simba to fight to help the kingdom escape from the disarray under the rule of his uncle Scar.
#2 Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo, 1941)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
As Dumbo is separated from his mother and shunned by the other elephants, Timothy Q. Mouse decides to help this elephant baby. With Timothy’s stimulation, Dumbo becomes the star of the circus. And when Dumbo is in trouble in there, Timothy cheers him up, takes him to his mother, and helps expose his undercovered gifts.
#3 Grandmother Willow (Pocahontas, 1995)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
Grandmother Willow gives Pocahontas the sage advice: follow her heart. This grand old lady also teaches our princess the significance of listening to the world around her.
#4 Bagheera (The Jungle Book, 1967)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
As a watchful father, Bagheera only wants what is best for Mowgli and is willing to risk his life for the boy.
#5 Tala (Moana, 2016)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
Although people think Tala is a bit odd old lady, she is actually a kindred spirit woman who teaches Moana to be true to herself. In addition, she encourages our girl to follow her heart, which is helping others.
#6 Flora, Fauna & Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty, 1959)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
With the hope to break the curse on Aurora, these three fairies spend many years raising this princess conscientiously. As they are used to using magic, taking care of the loyal baby without any spell really takes a lot of their effort!
#7 Fairy Godmother (Cinderella, 1950)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
Helping Cinderella go to the ball, her Fairy Godmother shows up with the new beautiful gown, glass shoes, carriage, and some helpers for her. Like any mother, she reminds Cinderella to take care and not stay out too late.
#8 Philoctetes / Phil (Hercules, 1997)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
The tough-love method of the trainer Phil is the perfect course that helps Hercules develop. Without this instruction, Hercules might have just stayed the same.
#9 Merlin (The Sword in the Stone, 1963)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
The eccentric wizard Merlin is absolutely legendary! He teaches Arthur about cleverness and patience. Even when this mentor is furious about his student, he still gives Arthur a helping hand when he is in need.
#10 Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio, 1940)
Source: The Walt Disney Studios
Jiminy Cricket always takes his job of being the teacher and guide of Pinocchio very seriously, urging the puppet boy to tell the truth.
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