And this wonderful feeling of family love has been transmitted to many people thanks to Marriage & Martinis, an online project by a couple from New Jersey. With humorous content about marriage and parenting, they successfully attracted over 381k followers. Scroll down to enjoy their funny and spot-on posts. And if you don’t usually show your family how much they mean to you, now is the time to start!
Source: MaryHeglar
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: LadyBrienne1
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: SamanthaaaReece
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: authorabbyjim
Source: not_thenanny
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: natvan
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: MarriageMartini
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: AbbyHasIssues
Source: brandontrusso
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: AuthorAbbyJim
Source: FleurdeNope
Source: MarriageMartini
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: thedad
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: marriageandmartinis
Source: boomer_bass_
Source: marriageandmartinis