5 Times Magic Caused Problem And 5 Times It Saved The Day In Disney Movies

Margot Nolan

People would think of magic as a free pass ticket that can solve any problems, but Disney’s movies prove it to be the opposite. It is not one or two times that this happens but rather, there are plenty of times when such things occur. If you recall, one big example of magic being misused is when Jafar is delusional about getting the throne and uses his dark magic to fight against Aladdin.
It does not mean that the magic, which makes things worse, has to come from the adversary. In fact, the heroes have gotten themselves into a sad pickle where the usage of magic can cause more trouble to either himself or the others. Magic is a wish that functions as a blade, but it does not always guarantee positive results. It has the potential to be an emancipator if used correctly, otherwise, it will bring catastrophe!
Below are 5 times magic saved the day in Disney movies and 5 times it caused detrimental problems. Check it now and don't forget to tell us your thoughts in the comments!

#1 Magic saved the day: Elsa saves Arendelle from drowning (Frozen 2)

Source: Disney

Arendelle was on the verge of becoming a disaster due to the intensity of the waves, which threatened to annihilate the small kingdom. Elsa, on the other hand, used her creativity to avert the impending disaster. She was riding a sea horse towards the crest of the tidal wave. She immediately released her icy powers on the approaching tidal wave, stopping it in its tracks and demonstrating why having magical ice powers is important every now and again.

#2 Magic caused detrimental problems: The poisoned apple (Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs)

Source: Disney

The Evil Queen was one of the first Disney animated movie villains to use magic, but hers didn't stop with an enchanted mirror that she used to solicit compliments. She could also make potions, which she used to poison the apple, which rendered Snow White unconscious for a long period. That was, of course, before true love's first kiss saved the day.

#3 Magic saved the day: Tinker Bell (Peter Pan)

Source: Disney

Neverland is always in danger, but Tinker Bell's power saved it from Captain Hook and his villainous crew, as well as the darkness that had begun to descend upon the hidden fairyland. Wendy and her brothers were taken to Neverland by Tinkerbell's pixie dust, and they left a lasting impression on the place, teaching Peter Pan a lot. Her abilities then assisted Peter Pan in escaping the exploding wreckage he was in, allowing him to battle Hook and win the day.

#4 Magic caused detrimental problems: Jafar's power (Aladdin)

Source: Disney

Jafar's cruel crimes are further made worse by the fact that he is a talented magician, from mind control to magical torture to the eventual trapping of the palace's people. Fortunately, Aladdin has the magic carpet and the genie on his side to help him navigate through Jafar's evil scheme, but the film's dark magic exceeds some of the other magical elements to the point that Jafar almost prevails.

#5 Magic saved the day: The sending of Mushu (Mulan)

Source: Disney

Mulan's ancestors sent Mushu, a mystical dragon, to assist her on her mission. While the two frequently suffer from imposter syndrome, it is their unexpected and unconventional collaboration that finally leads to Mulan saving the entire country of China. Mushu is a formidable companion in many respects, though not in the way Mulan might have anticipated. He has a multitude of magical abilities, but his strongest assets are his wit, knowledge, and cunning. He can fly and breathe (some) fire, but his best assets are his sense of humor and brilliance.

#6 Magic caused detrimental problems: The deal between Hades and Hercules (Hercules)

Source: Disney

In the movie, Hercules agrees to let Hades take away all of his powers in exchange for saving Meg. This turns out to be a blunder since it allows the Titans to storm Olympus, allowing Hades to replace Zeus. Hercules is eventually restored to his full power, but not before much harm has been done.

#7 Magic saved the day: Rapunzel's ability to heal (Tangled)

Source: Disney

Rapunzel's hair already has a magical quality to it in terms of how it grows. While it's wonderful for climbing, it also has one special ability that comes in handy when you're in a tight spot. Her hair, it turns out, has healing properties whenever it glows. Tangled reinvented Disney animation for the modern day in many ways, yet it still relied on plain ol' fairy tale magic to save the day for Rapunzel.

#8 Magic caused detrimental problems: Everything ever happens in Pleasure Island (Pinocchio)

Source: Disney

Pinocchio strives to live a morally upright life in order for his Fairy Godmother to realize his wish of becoming a real boy. The problem was that temptation lurked around every corner, and Pinocchio came dangerously close to succumbing to it. While magic brought him to life, it was black magic that nearly turned him (and many other lads) into donkeys when he visited Pleasure Island. Because of their irresponsible and dangerous behavior, the island's visitors begin to transform into donkeys by an unknown force.

#9 Magic saved the day: The magical dress (Cinderella)

Source: Disney

At the stroke of midnight, the Fairy Godmother's enchantment did cause some amusing mayhem, such as the carriage's crew haphazardly reverting to their natural animal shapes. But consider this: Cinderella would never have met her prince if it hadn't been for the initial enchantment on the clothing, mice, and pumpkin!

#10 Magic cause detrimental problems: The furry transformation (Brave)

Source: Disney

After the Queen and her three sons were all changed into bears in Pixar's Brave, young Merida got herself and her mother into trouble. While the Scottish princess gained a greater understanding of her background, culture, and the value of family, the magic created a lot of havoc. It's also worth noting that Merida's mother was almost permanently stuck as a bear, and her father nearly killed his own wife because of his bear enmity!