27 Times Parents "Roasted" Their Kids On Facebook

Leona Martinez

To many teenagers, social media is an indispensable part of their lives. They use them to have fun, make friends, share their emotional status. On social media, they always try to show off their best version by using their coolest or sexiest pics and describing themselves with the most beautiful phrases. However, their parents don't let them do that. They visit their children's page and leave hilarious reminders.

Take the teens below for example. They got chastised by their parents on Facebook! One mom wished her kids happy birthday by a sentence "I hope this is the year you stop writing stupid status on Facebook." Another mom revealed the truth about his son's open relationship: he began it with his hand. Scroll down to check out other hilarious cases that we've collected for you. Also, think twice the next time your parents send you a friend request if you don't want to be "roasted" with embarrassing moments.

#1. Nobody saw him on Facebook after that

Source: imgur.com

#2. Cringe

Source: imgur.com

#3. That was right in the stomach

Source: imgur.com

#4. Parents troll their daughter and her boyfriend by mimicking their Facebook selfies

Source: emilymusson

#5. Well deserved burn!

Source: imgur.com

#6. Finally, he understood how social media works

Source: imgur.com

#7. That's why I don't have Facebook

Source: imgur.com

#8. Epic.... Everything is always there, just because you can't find them

Source: unknown

#9. It factually is sad enough

Source: imgur.com

#10. Call 911! He needs emergency treatment for that BURN

Source: imgur.com

#11. That's really messed up

Source: unknown

#12. Biggest nightmare

Source: imgur.com

#13. What a jerk...

Source: unknown

#14. Oh that was harsh Mom!

Source: unknown

#15. Can't be a thug without Mr Pigums. He's the boss.

Source: imgur.com

#16. My mom speaks only in puns on Facebook

Source: reddit.com

#17. Opppss

Source: unknown

#18. What a cool dad!

Source: therealburrmartin

#19. "Behind every suburban "thug" is a parent who's tired of his sh*t"

Source: reddit.com

#20. Well played

Source: imgur.com

#21. "B*tch from my high school gets told off by her parents on Facebook. So satisfying"

Source: reddit.com

#22. It reminds her of something

Source: imgur.com

#23. Those parties get serious

Source: unknown

#24. Shame on you

Source: unknown

#25. The burn! It's so true it hurts

Source: imgur.com

#26. Clean up your thought?

Source: imgur.com

#27. "I got a kick out of my friends dad making fun of him on Facebook"

Source: imgur.com