20 Spectacular Rip-Offs That Are Bound To Make You Giggle

Leona Martinez

Have you ever bought a fake product? How did you feel? If you respect the copyright, you will definitely be furious with the seller for selling them to you. However, buying fake items is inevitable. Every "masterpiece" has its cheap copy. Sometimes, both the seller and the buyer don't know it's a fake. Or even if the seller knows they are counterfeits, they will probably sell them as they can increase profits by buying low and selling high.
However, a fake is still a fake. If you give them a deep look, you can distinguish them. Take these fake products for example. Their labels were "subtly" renamed by inverting a few letters or replacing them with a different phrase. When seeing these Shameless rip-offs, customers couldn't help but let out a giant belly laugh. Scroll down to check them out. And if you find yourself in such poor situations, don't hesitate to share with us by leaving a comment below.

#1. "Saw someone wearing this when I was in Dubai"

Source: reddit.com

#2. That makes me open my eyes

Source: thechive.com

#3. Garlic head and shoulders

Source: reddit.com

#4. When your buddy Rone comes on by

Source: reddit.com

#5. Premimu lagre

Source: reddit.com

#6. Abibas

Source: reddit.com

#7. Are they brothers?

Source: reddit.com

#8. Starducks

Source: acidcow.com

#9. Technically

Source: reddit.com


Source: reddit.com

#11. "When Mickey Mouse gets Rabies!"

Source: reddit.com

#12. Dr. Doctor found somewhere!

Source: reddit.com

#13. Maybe it has a new flavor

Source: thechive.com

#14. Why go to KFC when we can go to OFC

Source: reddit.com

#15. My favorite anime character

Source: reddit.com

#16. Clubcola

Source: thechive.com

#17. Green giant (gets hit by a car)

Source: reddit.com

#18. "We sell these at the store I work at"

Source: reddit.com

#19. "Kidney what?"

Source: reddit.com

#20. "Anna and Elsa haven't been the same since they started sniffing cocaine.."

Source: reddit.com