This is what people looking for in 2021 - "ways to heal", according to Google search

Jonathan Hayda

This emerges from the annual "Year in Search" list published by Google on Wednesday. Every year, the technology company analyses which search terms recorded the highest increase in the past year. Through these searches, we can have an overview of what most people are looking for.

Source: Internet

These questions and phrases, which have seen an unusually high increase in searches, can show the company what information needs to be made more accessible and teach us a little more about what we've all experienced together.
After people survived 2020 and spent trying to understand the pandemic, this year's results tell the story of a world that is trying to rebuild physically, emotionally and socially.
"People are coming to Google looking for ways to heal," said Hema Budaraju, senior director of product, health and search social impact at Google. "It's a good sign of our resilient spirit and the globe wanting to come back and get better."
For health-focused searches, vaccinations, well-being and helping, others saw the biggest surges over the past year.


If 2020 was about testing, 2021 has been about vaccination.

Source: Internet

As the global situation develops from virus control to vaccine prevention, a year of pandemic life has left many people with more problems.
"Over the past couple of years, the topic in most people's heads and hearts are Covid," Budaraju said.
"Is the coronavirus vaccine approved," "is the Covid vaccine safe," "how does the coronavirus vaccine work" and "how many coronavirus vaccines are there" are just some of the most asked questions people were grappling with this year.
As the global situation develops from virus control to vaccine prevention, a year of pandemic life has left many people with more problems.
"Providing locally relevant, timeless and authoritative information is paramount. This is our responsibility, and we are proud of doing the best that Google can," Budaraju said. "We will continue our efforts to make sure the world bounces back."


In 2021, "why do I feel sad?" was searched more than it ever was before and saw a 10% increase from 2020, according to Google's internal metrics.
After the transition from paying attention to Covid-19 to protecting it, many were forced to deal with the emotions that emerged from it.
Topics such as anxiety, stress, sadness and treatment have reached record highs this year, according to Budaraju.
Many of the physical factors that accompany progress from difficult years have also attracted people's attention.

Source: Internet

"How to lower blood pressure," "why am I always tired," and "how many calories should I eat" were among the search terms that topped the health charts in the growth of Google searches over the last year.
There were also a lot of questions about hiccups, but there is no good explanation for that one.

Helping others

This year, Google searches also described a world interested in helping each other, a victory for humanity.
Along with searches about how to help your own mental health were phrases like "how to help a friend" and "how to help someone having a panic attack."
India has a particularly severe outbreak of Covid-19 this year. In other parts of the world, people are asking Google what they can do to help.
Budaraju said that the most important thing is that this year humans are "more aware of the need to take care of themselves and their loved ones."