Artist Turns 12 Zelda Characters Into Zelda Zodiac Signs, And The Result Is Fantastic

Olivia Garcia

These 12 Zelda Zodiac Signs were made by geniuses. The Legend of Zelda is a series of fantasy action-adventure video games created by Japanese designers that revolves around the various incarnations of Link, a courageous young Hylian man and Princess Zelda - a princess with great magic. The two fought together to save the magical land of Hyrule from Ganon, an evil tyrant who turned into a demon lord. Since its first release, The Legend of Zelda has received everyone's attention and is considered one of the greatest games of all time.
Noticing the similarities in personality between Zelda's classic characters and the zodiac signs, talented artist Dorkly took it upon himself to create a captivating collection in which he turned 12 Zelda characters into zodiac signs. Immediately after being posted, these wonderful artworks have received a lot of positive feedbacks and comments from viewers.

12 Incredibly Fascinating Zelda Zodiac signs

#1 Link as ARIES

Source: Dorkly

Link is the hero and the main character of The Legend of Zelda. With a strong personality, confidence and courage, Link is the perfect embodiment of Aries.

#2 Impa as TAURUS

Source: Dorkly

Taurus are usually kind and willing to help people around. Therefore, who is more suitable for this Earth Sign than Impa?

#3 Shiek as GEMINI

zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

Gemini is the most capricious and unpredictable sign of the zodiac. Why? Because people born under Gemini often have two opposite sides.

#4 Navi as CANCER

zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

Cancer is a reliable friend, a confidant that everyone wants to have. However, sometimes Cancer's concern for others annoys them somehow.

#5 King Of Red Lions as LEO

Source: Dorkly

The King Of Red Lions' confidence and enthusiasm led him to be chosen by Dorkly as Leo.

#6 Zelda as VIRGO

zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

Smart, sharp, and strong-willed is what people always talk about when it comes to Virgo.

#7 Tingle as LIBRA

zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

If you are a Libra, you really should improve your indecision.

#8 Skull Kid as SCORPIO

Source: Dorkly

Do you ever wonder who is the most mysterious of the 12 zodiac signs? The answer is definitely Scorpio.


zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

Sagittarians often overdo things, however, it is undeniable that their optimism makes those around them much more comfortable.

#10 Ganondorf as CAPRICORN

Source: Dorkly

It is their rigidity and seriousness in everything that makes other people sometimes feel it hard to understand Capricorn.

#11 Midna as AQUARIUS

zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

Aquarians completely believe in science and love to explore, so they are always passionate about discovering new things.

#12 Linebeck as PISCES

zelda zodiac signsSource: Dorkly

Pisces is a dreamer and always nice to others. However, sometimes, this kindness gets them into trouble.
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