Not Metaverse, The Old Search Engine Is What Google CEO Believes As The Future

Larry Campbell

Prior to ‘Alexa, play Despacito’, ‘Okay Google, set a reminder,’ and ‘Hey, Siri’, there was the good old basic, Internet search. Before Chrome became your default browser and searching through address bar became available, in the early 2000s, you had to manually type the whole “" to access the search bar. Even though, once you did, you would have the world presented to you: an amalgamation of the internet, catered to suit for exactly what you searched. This basic feature, which has remained constant through the years, is the way to the future of the Internet, believes Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet Inc. (Google’s parent company).

Source: World Atlas

The future of Google

While many tech giants see the metaverse as the next fertile ground for growth, CEO Sundar Pichai sees the future of Google in the oldest field: Internet search.
"Fortunately, our mission seems eternal," Pichai told Bloomberg Television's Emily Chang. "The need to reorganize information is now greater than ever."
In early November, the capitalization value of Alphabet Inc. (Google's parent company) surpassed the $2 trillion mark thanks to reports of skyrocketing revenue and profit during the pandemic.
When asked where the next $1 trillion in capitalization would come from, Pichai immediately mentioned the company's core business.

Source: CNBC

According to his prediction, consumers will use many new ways to find information, such as voice search.
“Being able to adapt to those changes and improve the search engine presents the biggest opportunity for us,” Pichai shares.

Current growth engines and main competitor

Since taking over the CEO position at Google in 2015, Pichai has steered the company deeper into cloud computing and artificial intelligence but has also faced increasing scrutiny from regulators.
In the interview, Pichai listed cloud computing, YouTube, and App store as currently the main growth engines for Google. Currently, Google is investing in AI technology for these areas.
The Indian-born CEO intends to have many Google products developed and experimented in Asia before launching them globally, but not in China.
After "freezing" the plan to bring Google search to the Mainland China in 2018, most of the services that Google offers are still unavailable in the world's most populous country.

Source: First Post

That won't change for the foreseeable future, Pichai said. However, he disagrees with other Silicon Valley CEOs when it comes to China's technological advancements.
Pichai acknowledged that Google is in fierce competition with Chinese companies in terms of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, but affirmed that the US and China can fully cooperate in areas such as climate change and AI applications in security surveillance.
In the field of virtual universe, Google has also had a few experiments with access to virtual products and virtual reality technology but has not achieved much. The Google Glass wearable is a prime example.
H/T: Entrepreneur (