This Artist Depicts Everyday Problems That A Girl Faces Through 25 Adorable And Hilarious Comics

Margot Nolan

Recently, comics have become one of the best ways of communicating the thoughts and feelings of many artists. Because through comics, the artists may share their experiences and life's problems that they face with the desire of finding sympathy from readers. And Eirinnske is no exception.
Eirinnske is a young comic artist from Brisbane, Australia who always brings laughs to thousands of fans and followers with her creative art. She has created relatable and hilarious comics which show her struggles as well as things that every girl can encounter in everyday life. Though she has just begun drawing for over 1 year, her Instagram has reached more than 21K followers and this number is increasing continuously.
Below are 25 most notable comics by Eirinnske. Check out and ​tell us whether you can see yourself in those relatable situations!

#1 This is me every day

Source: eirinnske_comics

#2 Has a hairdresser ever cut off more than you asked for?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#3 It's a rare skill

Source: eirinnske_comics

#4 It’s a secret

Source: eirinnske_comics

#5 Do you hate talking on the phone?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#6 Does anyone else ever fight off the urge to cry only to immediately burst into tears when someone asks you how you are?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#7 Anxiety vs reality. Everyone has their own stuff going on. So, be confident!

Source: eirinnske_comics

#8 It’s just that simple!

Source: eirinnske_comics

#9 What would you wish for?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#10 That hyper-vigilance actually makes you feel guilty for being happy or relaxing for five minutes. The struggle is real!

Source: eirinnske_comics

#11 Who is your perfect man?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#12 Or sometimes you just gotta "AAAAAAAAA"

Source: eirinnske_comics

#13 Let’s not say things we can’t take back ?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#14 Who did this to you??

Source: eirinnske_comics

#15 Make-up tip

Source: eirinnske_comics

#16 Work from home be like

Source: eirinnske_comics

#17 Sometimes all it takes it just being there

Source: eirinnske_comics

#18 Master chef

Source: eirinnske_comics

#19 "I'm so sorry"

Source: eirinnske_comics

#20 "I do nothing"

Source: eirinnske_comics

#21 LOL

Source: eirinnske_comics

#22 This is me when love comes

Source: eirinnske_comics

#23 Me during this whole quarantine

Source: eirinnske_comics

#24 How you keeping fit in isolation?

Source: eirinnske_comics

#25 Beauty is pain!

Source: eirinnske_comics