Artist Illustrates Pairs Of Famous Characters Who Both Want Something, And The Results Are Nothing But Lovely

Olivia Garcia

You might have seen many cartoons and animated films which involve rivalries between characters, haven't you? Usually, people vie big things like power or money, such as Jafar from Aladdin dreams of being the possessor of the kingdom Agrabah. However, today, we would love to share with you a series of illustrations in which our casts only compete for little things.
So, here this line of artworks of talented Linda Bouderbala comes! Basically, she was on the way to finding some new materials for her art, and the thought of Diddy Kong and the Minions fighting over a banana suddenly popped out of her head. Thus, this gave her the idea of going through a project drawing different characters who have the same fancy for one stuff. And all the pictures look incredible, absolutely!
Therefore, let's scroll down and check these beautiful depictions of Bouderbala out! They have nothing but loveliness, for sure!

#1 Gollum And Sonic Both Want This Ring

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#2 Bender And Homer Both Want This Beer

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#3 Shaggy And Michelangelo Both Want This Slice Of Pizza

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#4 Garfield And Gaston Both Want This Pillow

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#5 Bulma And Joy Both Want This Crystal Ball

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#6 Jack-Jack And Cookie Monster Both Want This Cookie

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#7 Diddy Kong And Minion Both Want This Banana

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#8 Yoda And Tiana Both Want This Frog

Source: Linda Bouderbala

#9 Agnes And Deadpool Both Want This Unicorn

Source: Linda Bouderbala