7 Things That Explain Why Aurora Is The Most Relatable Princess

Margot Nolan

Disney princesses have always been excellent role models for young girls. Aurora, our beloved Sleeping Beauty, is one of Disney's classic princesses. Come on, admit that anyone has seen Sleeping Beauty at least once in their life! We are all too familiar with the story of a beautiful, innocent princess who was cursed by Maleficent and fell into an eternal slumber - a curse that can only be broken through a true kiss.
However, although she is always underrated because many people think that she just sleeps the whole movie and doesn't have too many outstanding personalities, Aurora is actually amazing! She is kind, loves nature, and is the ultimate animal-lover, which is enough for her to be on our list of favorite princesses. Here are 7 reasons why Aurora is the most relatable princess, check it out!

#1 Nature is her best friend

Source: Disney

Aurora frolics through the woodland barefoot, while almost every other princess wears some type of shoe. A princess who doesn't mind getting her feet muddy? It appeals to us.

#2 She loves sleeping

Source: Disney

Aurora has the ability to sleep for days on end, which is something we want to achieve one of these days. She's called "Sleeping Beauty" for a reason!

#3 She understands how annoying humans can be

Source: Disney

Aurora spent the majority of her life surrounded by animals and fairies. She may have been forced into this isolation by her parents in order to protect her from Maleficent, but she still chose to live in isolation. She had no desire to go into town and meet other people because she knew they would be nothing but annoyances.

#4 It's not easy to win her heart

Source: Disney

She was having none of Prince Phillip's tricks when he first tried to pursue her. She didn't fall for his sweet talk and let him win her heart. She made him work for it, not the other way around. He even went so far as to fight a dragon for her!

#5 Even muted color can not make her less gorgeous

Source: Disney

Aurora wears black, white, and grey on a daily basis, except from her gowns. It's clear that she doesn't need to wear bright colors to stand out.

#6 She really loves animals

Source: Disney

She gets along with all of the animals in the woods. What's more, unlike Snow White and Cinderella, she doesn't make them work for her. All she actually wanted was for them to be friends.

#7 She's very thoughtful

Source: Disney

She was not angry with the fairies for keeping her origins a secret from her when she learnt about them from them. She was well aware that they and her parents had hidden her in order to protect her.