Artist Noticed Some Similarities Between Two Random Characters And Decided To Merge Them

Olivia Garcia

Although all fictional characters have their own special characteristics that help them stand out among others, every cinephile knows that no one is truly unique. Coincidence or not, they still have something in common with at least one character out there and for some reason, it’s always a fun thing to discover some similarities between two guys from two fandoms we love.
Sandevil Sandh – an Indonesian digital artist who specializes in photo manipulation and motion loops – has always been interested in spotting the resemblances of his favorite characters, from appearances and attitudes to abilities and professions. He even tried to combine them himself, and the results were utterly fantastic!
"Making this artwork is quite a fun challenge in itself. I really enjoy it every time I think about what they have in common and the process of editing it. I spent over 8 hours on each of these pieces. So I quite hope that the results are not disappointing and might bring a smile to your face," the artist shared on Bored Panda.
Isn't his idea brilliant? Scroll down and take a look at his captivating fan art yourself, we are sure that it will win your heart within a few seconds!

#1. Doctor Strange - Harry Potter

Source: sandevil_sandh

#2. Groot - Pinocchio

Source: sandevil_sandh

#3. Loki - Vegeta

Source: sandevil_sandh

#4. Toothless - Stitch

Source: sandevil_sandh

#5. Baymax - Iron Man

Source: sandevil_sandh

#6. Jack Frost - Sub-Zero

Source: sandevil_sandh

#7. Hulk - Shrek

Source: sandevil_sandh

#8. Patrick - Drax

Source: sandevil_sandh

#9. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger - Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch

Source: sandevil_sandh

#10. Black Widow - Merida

Source: sandevil_sandh

#11. Iron Man - Buzz Lightyear

Source: sandevil_sandh

#12. Star Lord - Sheriff Woody

Source: sandevil_sandh

#13. Minions - Among Us characters

Source: sandevil_sandh

#14. Thanos - Gollum

Source: sandevil_sandh

#15. Nebula - Sadness

Source: sandevil_sandh

#16. Voldemort - Aang

Source: sandevil_sandh