“Eternals” Is Not The MCU Movie You Are Likely Expecting, Is It?

Margot Nolan

“Eternals” is regarded as Marvel's most anticipated blockbuster of 2021 by Marvel fans. This film gathers many big stars of Hollywood and it is also the new work of the director of the film "Nomadland" Chloe Zhao. As a result, fans are anticipating something new from this filmmaker in the Marvel movie.
However, this new Marvel film has received mixed reviews from critics throughout the world. Furthermore, “Eternals” is facing a boycott campaign from the audience. In order to drop the score as low as possible, these extreme moviegoers consistently voted one star for the film on movie review sites. What causes “Eternals” to be underrated?

Source: Marvel

The majority of critics believe “Eternals” is disappointing since it lacks the vibrant, eye-catching cinematic aesthetic that Marvel is known for. The spectator receives the mild colors - even melancholy -that is characteristic of director Chloe Zhao. Her use of harsh gray-brown tones in the film rendered UU boring and transformed it into a travel guide.

Source: Marvel

The film is jam-packed with storyline aspects that bog down and overcomplicate the main story. Marvel's newest blockbuster introduces us to ten new heroes who are all members of this family of immortal beings. The movie has a huge scope and covers a lot of ground, but it does it by focusing on this complicated family rather than experience that shows us how they came together to overcome this one mega-evil.

Source: Marvel

The pacing of the film is slower than the previous MCU Movies. Characters chat, debate, and dispute instead of fighting with their fists. The nonstop comedy, as well as the heart-pounding action scenes, are also disappearing.

Source: Marvel

It's a shame that the movie Marvel, which costs up to $200 million to produce, is criticized tragically like this. Despite there's still plenty of praise for the film, there's no doubting that “Eternals'' is a new yet improper step for Marvel.