25 Indescribably Funny Things People Have Caught On The Subway

Jeffrey Murphy

The subway, of course, is a magical place where all the laws of normality stop working properly. Ask anyone who lives in a big city and has to take the subway every day, that is possibly one of the worst things to do. Normally riding the subway means you'll be packed in a tiny car that shuttles you to your location. However, when it gets worse, means having to deal with weirdos, rude, crazy people that randomly appear from nowhere to bother your little peaceful moments. Nonetheless, not every single disturbing thing is bad. If you are lucky enough, you will see that a lot of them are bizarre but absolutely hilarious. And it's completely worth the trouble.
To keep your good mood all day long as well as to remind you that life is not that boring or typical all the time, instead, it is full of insane surprises. We have compiled 25 entertaining pictures of comical moments that people, fortunately, caught on the subway. Let's get started. Hope after this post, you will make the most of your MetroCard in the future.

#1. This guy has a turtle shell backpack

Source: HarryTOMalley

#2. Poor the guy on the right, he's holding his breath, hoping they won't notice him

Source: CopyX

#3. Just taking my bag for a walk

Source: LucasLarson

#4. A subway in Seoul had been converted into a grocery store

Source: The_Day_Man

#5. Be trendy ;)

Source: omafist

#6. Perfect timing

Source: yumpop278

#7. And his name is John Cena


#8. Doggo: these seats are way too small. How's a fella supposed to sit?

Source: liamrichards

#9. Someone's enjoying their evening commute... or not

Source: afrowa

#10. He doesn't sell weed, he just sells tropical plants

Source: zeaky888

#11. They haven't drunk enough beer, so probably dehydrated

Source: cxrry

#12. It's good that it isn't an advertisement for hemorrhoids

Source: kappi8

#13. Tiered of flying from Brooklyn to the central park daily

Source: __instant.classic__

#14. More concerned about the guy on the bottom right tbh

Source: morgannelamorte

#15. Single Bald men conference

Source: harpoonstencil

#16. The lady is certainly amused

Source: carlfreis

#17. Just another day on the subway

Source: REDDIT

#18. Looks like Ted Mosby trying to be Tony Stark

Source: ericchavez13

#19. The new Marilyn Monroe

Source: Noerdy

#20. This knight probably just lost his horse to the enemy that day

Source: Scaulbylausis

#21. My lil man looked sad

Source: REDDIT

#22. It's literally the last thing she would have thought she'd sit next to

Source: scuppaugzpropitiate

#23. I choose you Charmander, to protect my virginity


#24. Ah, just a casual Friday really

Source: imgur

#25. He must have had a crazy night

Source: pinterest

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