34 Marvel Movie Characters And Their Comic Counterparts - How Much Have They Improved?

James Ramsey

Over 80 years ago in October 1939, the very first Marvel comic was released. This first issue only featured several superhero characters, most notably the Human Torch and the Sub-Mariner. Today Marvel Comics consists of more than 7,000 characters—may be more than 50,000 if you count one-off and ancillary superheroes, villains, and mutants. Each of them looks very different from the other, and the character designs were fashionable back then.
However, in the modern-day, those costumes and capes don't fit in anymore, especially when you present them in live-action movies. They just look kinda weird. I mean, would you find it a bit hilarious when your superheroes run around with colorful jumpsuits and underwear outside? So the MCU producer decided to make some changes to the appearance of the superheroes. Curious how much different do they look compared to the comic version? Check out below!


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu


Source: accurate.mcu