30 Brilliant And Hilarious Quiz Answers From Smartass Kids

Jeffrey Murphy

Now, take a look at this 30 brilliant test answers we have compiled to see what we mean.
Not every kid is born smart or genius, but one thing is for sure that they are born with talents. Talents are to do things and make life much easier than it already is for them. Some kids are actually quite clever to succeed in school. But that does not mean the ones who fail are not sharp, nonetheless, they could even be the brightest of them all.
Now, take a look at this list we have compiled to see what we mean. Are any of these questions you see below correctly answered? Technically, not quite. However, those genius kids aren't thinking technically. They're clearly thinking much deeper than that. They loot at it through different perspectives in order to get to the very heart of what's being asked. That takes lots of brain cells, which is why these kids deserve an A for their awesomeness.

#1. Peter nailed his math quiz

30 brilliant test answersSource: funcage.com

#2. Congrats to you, kid! Keep being a badass

Source: picslap.com

#3. Extremely specific

30 brilliant test answersSource: addfunny.com

#4. Big secret

 brilliant test answersSource: librarything.com

#5. You can't tell he is wrong tho

 brilliant test answersSource: Douglass

#6. Short, concise, and accurate

Short, concise, and accurateSource: alittle-offcenter.blogspot.com

#7. Can't deny it

Can't deny itSource: clivewhite.co.uk

#8. Racism, very clever

Racism, very cleverSource: meh.ro

#9. Life could be hard, but math is easy

Life could be hard, but math is easySource: economicshelp.org

#10. Hope named them all

Hope named them allSource: imgur

#11. Of course, in 100 years he will be dead LOL

30 brilliant test answersSource: funcage.comm

#12. Can't be more true. Have you ever tried going around reproducing with just one testicle?

Source: break.com

#13. Frankie is gonna be whatever he wants

Source: thehilariousblog.tumblr.com

#14. Found it, boss

Source: tworiversblog.com

#15. I mean...

Source: cheezburger.com

#16. It's Math, don't you know it?

Source: imgur

#17. Absolutely accurate

Source: izismile.com

#18. Poor little ducky

Source: marcofolio.net

#19. A well-crafted, poetic answer

Source: izismile.comm

#20. They are indeed heartless

Source: myconfinedspace.com

#21. Haha, such a "nerd"

Source: ericpazdziora.com

#22. Well, that kinda explains it

Source: msxlabs.org

#23. Facts

Source: izismile.com

#24. He is the future president

Source: imgur

#25. An easy and laconic answer

Source: examtime.com

#26. She can't see anything, which means she's blind

Source: memedroid.com

#27. Completely brilliant

Source: publimetro

#28. That's one way to understand it

Source: izismile.com

#29. His p**** in a goat

 brilliant test answersSource: imgur

#30. Relatable

30 brilliant test answersSource: mrrozzyroo.com

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