This Is What Disney Princesses Would Look Like If They Actually Aged

Margot Nolan

It's fair to say that Disney princesses aren't exactly accurate representations of female bodies. They exemplify a 'flawless' image with their wide eyes, smooth skin, and small waists, inspiring millions of young women to want to be as attractive as they are. One artist, on the other hand, has adopted a more realistic approach.
Talented Brazilian artist Isaque Areas first came up with questions like “What if Disney Princesses were artists in their own movie? Why aren't Disney Princesses getting older too?" After that, he decided to find the answer for himself by releasing a series of drawings called "Before and After - Disney Princesses". With his unlimited imagination, he painted the look of Disney princesses in 2015 as if they would continue to age after the movie.
"When I was a child I used to identify myself with several characters and my first objective with this artwork was to show people – mainly women – that they can identify with a Disney princess even if they get old. Even older we can be beautiful, kind, strong, gentle, and smart like Disney characters – we can be children inside." - the artist once shared. And as he wished, his artworks have been widely shared and have supported women to be more confident in their appearance. Let's check out those fantastic drawings and don't forget to tell us which one is your favorite!

#1 Pocahontas from Pocahontas

Source: Isaque Arêas

Wow! Pocahontas would be a hot mommy at the age of 38!

#2 Cinderella from Cinderella

Source: Isaque Arêas

After all those years, Cinderella is still a queen at the age of 84 and honestly, she looks like a classy lady with a LOT OF MONEY.

#3 Jasmine from Aladdin

Source: Isaque Arêas

In the movie, she's only 15 but she's already gorgeous but at the age of 38? Girl, you should go to the Miss Lady contest! The crown is all yours!

#4 Aurora from Sleeping Beauty

Source: Isaque Arêas

Our dearest Aurora at the age of 72 would surely be the funniest and sweetest grandma ever! Look how she still obsesses with the color pink after all these years.

#5 Mulan from Mulan

Source: Isaque Arêas

Mulan will definitely be a typical Chinese mother: strict and always wants the best for her child! Trust me, you don't want to mess with your mom, especially when she used to serve in the Emperor's army.

#6 Belle from Beauty And The Beast

Source: Isaque Arêas

Belle is still as gentle and stunning as ever! I love her short hair - it's so young and trendy.

#7 Ariel from The Little Mermaid

Source: Isaque Arêas

Our lovely little mermaid Ariel in the movie is only 16 years old but at 42, she will definitely be a happy queen next to her sweet King Eric.

#8 Snow White from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

Source: Isaque Arêas

The first Disney princess - Snow White will be 82 years old in 2015. The brilliant artist used Betty White as inspiration and honestly, this is a wonderful choice! Surely she will be the most wonderful grandma in the world!