JangandFox Transmits Comforting Messages In Her 30 Wholesome Illustrations

Margot Nolan

animals are already cute. When they are incorporated with comforting messages, they are a hundred times cuter. This is what is happening at JangandFox Studio.
Starting from 2018, JangandFox Studio has gained immense support and positive feedback from more than 350.000 Instagram followers and also by-passers. This is a small Singapore-based studio run by Jang, a talented female illustrator for children's books. Jang expresses her great love for animals, especially the foxes. By doing adorable illustrations, Jang wants to remind her readers of the little things in life that could give us strengths and beliefs. To her, those little things are what we all have in common, connecting us together.
Dive into the following 20 illustrations from JangandFox Studio, and let the adorable animals heal and bring you comfort.


Source: JANG

Is it the stress that you have been hiding?


Source: JANG

Your existence is already a blessing to me.


Source: JANG

So let's keep moving forward!


Source: JANG

Not everyone can be a good friend. You're the one.


Source: JANG

Your trust in me is the most precious thing.


Source: JANG

A little letter from your far-away animal friends.


Source: JANG

If you don't love yourself, who else would?


Source: JANG

Value everything you are given. A blessing could come even in your darkest times.


Source: JANG

It's the love that matters, not the gift itself.


Source: JANG

Failures part of our way to maturity and success. Make the best out of it and it'll no longer be an obstacle.


Source: JANG

Together, we can untangle the mess faster.


Source: JANG

There will always be a gentle listener for you.


Source: JANG

Mental healing matters too, sweetie.


Source: JANG

I may look big, but I'm not scary.


Source: JANG

Give yourself a soft hug at the end of the day, because you did great.


Source: JANG

Sharing is caring.


Source: JANG

Everyday is precious when we're together.


Source: JANG

There's no good keeping the worries to yourself. Let it all out, and you'll find yourself feeling much more relieved.


Source: JANG

Appreciate anything you are given, even the smallest one.


Source: JANG

Let's all go through the rain together, shall we?


Source: JANG

That's why we have friendship and companionship.


Source: JANG

There's no such thing as too much self-hugs.


Source: JANG

Never underestimate the power of relaxation. Relaxing is part of a productive day.


Source: JANG

Silent moments could also be marvelous.


Source: JANG

You're beautiful in every way.


Source: JANG

There's nothing wrong with making mistakes. Forgiving yourself for the mistakes shows that you've learnt from them, and ready to move forward.


Source: JANG

You deserve so much love from yourself.


Source: JANG

That's what friends are for.


Source: JANG

Feeling it makes it a hundred times better.


Source: JANG

Believe in yourself. You have the magic to make everything possible.