Whether you like it or not, you need to do that normal thing - shopping. So do our famous fictional characters. Even they seem to have too many things to go shopping for. Let’s imagine for a second that superheroes and cartoon characters' daily lives involved regular visits to the supermarket – what would they buy there?
Sharing the same question, Linda Bouderbala, a talented artist with great imagination has created a series of illustrations showing her favorite fictional celebrities checking out their chosen items to give us the answer. And the result of her imagination is amazing. With all the mass-market products within easy reach, our fictional characters can buy anything necessary for their lives. For example, to have smooth hair, how can Rapunzel live without a detangler. Or nothing can stop Minions from eating bananas. Just tell me what they buy and I will tell you who they are. They are so hilarious. Let's check out!
Sharing the same question, Linda Bouderbala, a talented artist with great imagination has created a series of illustrations showing her favorite fictional celebrities checking out their chosen items to give us the answer. And the result of her imagination is amazing. With all the mass-market products within easy reach, our fictional characters can buy anything necessary for their lives. For example, to have smooth hair, how can Rapunzel live without a detangler. Or nothing can stop Minions from eating bananas. Just tell me what they buy and I will tell you who they are. They are so hilarious. Let's check out!
#1 There should be like, 50 bunches of bananas.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#2 Sadness would buy a thousand boxes of tissue!! They're not enough
Source: linda_bouderbala
#3 Just for her cat!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#4 He would go off and buy the whole supply of apples
Source: linda_bouderbala
#5 Is a bottle enough?
Source: linda_bouderbala
#6 Be careful! Bender would steal the beers
Source: linda_bouderbala
#7 There's no Scooby snacks?
Source: linda_bouderbala
#8 She'll need a bucket of that stuff, not a bottle
Source: linda_bouderbala
#9 What does our super cool Deadpool buy? - A unicorn soft toy!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#10 Jigglypuff and Markers
Source: linda_bouderbala
#11 Baymax and Scotch Tape
Source: linda_bouderbala
#12 Amusingly enough, I think he actually did this in the movie--he directly bought sugar and spice so he could make his perfect little girls.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#13 Surely Popeye would buy fresh spinach, which really is lovely.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#14 Cinderella and pumpkin. Oh wait, how about cleaning materials?
Source: linda_bouderbala
#15 Everyone! Listen! Pennywise has just bought a red baloon! Stay at home!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#16 Rick and Pickles
Source: linda_bouderbala
#17 In case, someone would take his nose to cook soup
Source: linda_bouderbala
#18 April O'neil buys pizzas
Source: linda_bouderbala
#19 Mario pay for mushrooms by gold!
Source: linda_bouderbala
#20 Don't sell Poison Ivy weedkiller. That's risky
Source: linda_bouderbala
#21 Find someone who looks at you the same way Pikachu looks at his ketchup
Source: linda_bouderbala
#22 Amusingly enough, I think he actually did this in the movie--he directly bought sugar and spice so he could make his perfect little girls.
Source: linda_bouderbala
#23 Bob Parr And Cookies
Source: linda_bouderbala
H/T: boredpanda