We have compiled a list of the most satisfying 'perfect fit' pictures from this group. Take a minute to scroll down and check them out for yourself. Don't forget to vote for your favorite photos and share this list with your friends and family. If this list is not enough to satisfy your soul, go to the 'Perfect Fit' subreddit or check out 20 Oddly Satisfying ‘Perfect Fits’ That People Accidentally Found.
#1. I washed my linens and rugs, it took me a while to find my missing bath rug
Source: MadeKiffer
#2. Found this leaf tucked perfectly into this hole in the cement
Source: eBirder
#3. This car against the fitted tree
Source: newmacbookpro
#4. I can't express how happy this made me on a tough job!
Source: coolez-nunez
#5. My dad lost his work phone. Ended up finding it lodged in his chair 20 minutes later
Source: jangleschan
#6. My phone and laptop chargers fit perfectly in this desktop outlet
Source: unknown / reddit
#7. Found in the wild
Source: kendawg333
#8. I use a hammer holder on my belt for work, today I found this fit
Source: Pepe_leprawn
#9. This ring on my Speaker’s volume knob
Source: noneo
#10. I was sorting my small lego pieces and found this perfect spot
Source: greenIIonion
#11. Reflection of a car lines up perfectly with another
Source: DAt_WaliueIGi_BOi
#12. Glorious
Source: frankcfreeman
#13. These clam shells
Source: icklishTesticle
#14. How this phone fits perfectly
Source: DickFromAccountings
#15. My friend bought a fridge online for a house he never visited
Source: critterjg
#16. This owl and her hole
Source: omnivoroustoad
#17. Cork coaster so I can play at night without waking the kids
Source: KernowFunk
#18. Perfect phone holder
Source: w1zArd6
#19. Got a new armrest at work, which happens to fit perfectly around my pregnant belly
Source: AiloSLiv
#20. Suitcases in my rental car
Source: Sam_Daykin1
#21. The perfect Stroopwafel mug! Yessss!
Source: ttvalkyrie25
#22. Satisfying office desk
Source: HovercraftMain
#23. Mmmm
Source: pieanim
#24. This floormat on my bathroom tiles
#25. Apple halves that I found fit perfectly together
Source: yelly657
#26. No better way to transport 480 beers
Source: notthefirst_335
#27. I've had this plate since I was 5. I just realized it fits bagels THAT much better
Source: _restless_
#28. Finally found a perfect fit in a hotel. Made my stay immediately better
Source: farmyohoho
#29. My umbrella onto this wire protector on the wall
Source: OneTonneWantenWonton
#30. The moon in my iPhone wallpaper and my head in today's iOS Photo widget selection
Source: jsearls
#31. My dinner plates apparently fit perfectly in my pan lid. But now I can’t get it out
Source: adba3
#32. The way ice sits in my coffee flask
Source: atoothlessfairy
#33. I squeezed the near-full moon into a cell tower antenna this week
Source: Tweetystraw
#34. My mailman must read this sub
Source: lowend311
#35. These Matresses fit perfectly together
Source: Oatmealandfriends
#36. The way the floor tiles line up with the cupboard and door gaps
Source: dB_Monster