Find Out Hilarious Things That Geminis Do During The Quarantine

Margot Nolan

Currently, though some states have begun opening back up, we should avoid social events and stay home for our safety. I'm sure that regardless of where you may live, we've been spending way more time at home than ever before. There are people that are sick of this situation, there are also people that find their own ways to ignore boredom. If you're looking for what to do to entertain yourself, this article would suggest you some.
Gemini, we imagine they've had a very difficult time coping with all this monotony. They're not the ones to sit still for long, or spend too much time alone, so they can give us many good ideas of what to do while cooped up at home. For example, Gemini can be the one who calls all friends for hours on Zoom or hold online parties and gets drunk alone. They probably join in various online classes and virtual events — anything for a little social interaction! If you want to know more, scroll down and you may find some interesting things to do!

#1 Is that true?

Source: zodiac_signzs

#2 Find a new recipe on TikTok and then burn the kitchen

Source: zodiacsteen

#3 Does it speak your mind?

Source: zodiacsteen

#4 Why do you repeat singing just one lyric again and again? Just sing the whole song

Source: zodiacvibe.z

#5 Don't be surprised if you receive a Gemini's phone call at 3 a.m in this quarantine

Source: zodiacsteen

#6 Gemini can't hold an online party to avoid boredom

Source: zodiacsteen

#7 "I think after this quarantine I would become a singer"

Source: zodostar

#8 How long is that quarantine?

Source: bratzdiac

#9 Gemini would find this meme so quickly

Source: asttrollogy

#10 The similarity of all air signs

Source: asttrollogy

#11 Making to-do list every day, but never completing

Source: asttrollogy

#12 "Battery of my phone is not enough"

Source: zodiacbear

#13 Find everything to play to ignore boredom

Source: zodiacbear

#14 "Stay alone, create a playlist and fake scenarios"

Source: gemini.tale

#15 After a too long time without social interaction, some Geminis start wondering…

Source: gemini.tale

#16 "Quarantine is the best time to stay healthy. I'll start it from tomorrow"

Source: gemini.tale