Without further ado, let's scroll down to check out 35 pictures of designs with obscure meanings we have collected. From shoes that look like body parts in a trashcan to forbidden meat crystals, these designs are bound to astound you. For more designs with obscure meanings, you can check out this article in which we collected weird designs that you can’t stop shaking your head.
#1. Shop-promoting shoes look like body parts in a trashcan
Source: mraxel230
#2. Encountered this specimen in the wild
Source: jiznon
#3. We're pet friendly, No pets allowed...
Source: JustOllieYT
#4. Forbidden meat crystals
Source: Aronaf
#5. A pretty church in Estonia
Source: DaGirlWhoLikesMha
#6. What time is it?
Source: imspatial2
#7. When you need to turn on your AC, you'll have to open your cabinets
Source: Fuzzy_Worldliness_96
#8. Maybe try going down
Source: AngusNeedsALife
#9. On vinted
Source: youseemartin
#10. Found in the wild
Source: hihTzuWithaMoustach
#11. This light switch. Need I say more?
Source: _giyutomioka
#12. This shower
Source: umbrasolem
#13. No words
Source: AugustusLouis
#14. Bruh...
Source: IrishRoverGaming
#15. Nutted
Source: gavarnie
#16. Meme material
Source: Albinoblk3sheep
#17. Come in, we’re closed
Source: Due_Young_1204
#18. Poor print placement
Source: roemqlis1
#19. That’s not a music note
Source: Trickysneaker
#20. Uh
Source: GladePlug1n
#21. These cups stacked horizontally instead of vertically, taking up all the walking space
Source: Stretchyfish
#22. These are not the same thing
Source: keith2301
#23. Ehhhh, yeah...
Source: Familiar_Big3322
#24. It's perfect
Source: mrkx69
#25. So close
Source: stereoscopic_
#26. 0?0
Source: Wait1what2the3hell4
#27. Uhhhh... Jesus?
Source: Egg__chan
#28. Or
Source: Y_aa
#29. So, nobody at the magazine caught this?
Source: keith2301
#30. My friend's bathroom faucet
Source: Nancypants_I
#31. Cursed scissors
Source: Chonkin_GuineaPig
#32. That doll scares me
Source: Il_terrapiattista
#33. What was the designer thinking
Source: pheasantph
#34. Interesting
Source: Obvious-Dust2230
#35. My keyboard at work. This should be illegal
Source: User_of_this_name