17 Funny Facts That Describe The Texting Style Of A Libra

Margot Nolan

Texting is a huge part of the modern world and how you compose your messages, tweets, emails and other forms of online communication can reveal a lot about your personality. Do you usually send persistent texts? Are emojis always a part of your messages? If you have a texting style like that, you undoubtedly are a Libra.
As the most friendly sign in astrology, Libras tend to reply to your messages quickly and always include emojis in theirs. They love to send long messages like a novel instead of short texts that make readers curious. As a person who loves peace, Libra always avoids conflict in communicating with others, even online chatting. If you want to know more about the texting style of this sign, here are 17 fun facts that describe a Libra when texting. Let's scroll and tell us what you think.

#1 Libra has a sense of humor.

Source: astrhology

#2 It's really good.

Source: astrhology

#3 Can you relate?

Source: astrhology

#4 Lol' is a must-have in Libra's text.

Source: glossy_zodiac

#5 "Please include emojis in your messages."

Source: zodiacbear

#6 Is that true?

Source: zodiacvibe.z

#7 Ok, bye.

Source: moonlyhoroscopes

#8 Oh, that's surprising.

Source: moonlyhoroscopes

#9 Tag a Libra.

Source: moonlyhoroscopes

#10 Is that accurate?

Source: bratzdiac

#11 Food is Libra's life.

Source: bratzdiac

#12 So?

Source: bratzdiac

#13 It's suspicious.

Source: zodiacsteen

#14 Pardon?

Source: zodiacsteen

#15 Never.

Source: zodiacsteen

#16 Sound sweet.

Source: zodiacsteen

#17 "You should do that."

Source: zodiacsteen