You Wanna See An Angry Cancer? Try These!

Margot Nolan

As an emotional sign, Cancer is noted for their sensitivity. If you're dating a Cancer, you should notice that your partner's emotions change from minute to minute. Moreover, easy to get overthinking, a Cancer can be suffered from small things. So finding out what pisses off a Cancer will make you successful in the relationship with a Cancer.
A Cancer's biggest need in their life is to feel safe and secure. Additionally, Cancer is natural nurturers, which explains why they need to take time to rest so often. In spite of being hyper-emotional, Cancer is not the kind of person who just cries when being angry. It's also a scary thing when a Cancer is irritated. They can outburst into anger and throw tantrums, which affects their life until the balance in their mood is regained. And, Cancerians are totally angered when:

#1 Is that true?

Source: zodiacbear

#2 If you keep yelling like that, we can't talk anymore.

Source: asttrollogy

#3 We're best friends, but it doesn't mean that you can go into my room without knocking

Source: asttrollogy

#4 We're over!

Source: asttrollogy

#5 Does it speak your mind?

Source: asttrollogy

#6 You lost me at the time you decided to lie to me

Source: zodiacbear

#7 People who play games with their feelings

Source: asttrollogy

#8 Say again, who do you call crybaby?

Source: asttrollogy

#9 They don’t love me, they're ignoring me

Source: inspire.zodiacs

#10 Hey, don't use your hands when you laugh!

Source: inspire.zodiacs

#11 Can you relate?

Source: astrolody

#12 Doing those if you want we're over

Source: zodiacsteen

#13 Shhhh….Why am I hungry again?

Source: zodostar

#14 Silence doesn't work at all

Source: zodiacvibe.z

#15 You just listen to some rumors then you think I'm emotional, what do you know about me?

Source: zodiacvibe.z