Brighten Up Your Day With Funny Adorable Animal Comics By BrainHoleSky Artist

Marry Anna

Needless to say, most comics are not only adorable but also funny. They help you brighten up your day easily and lightly, forgetting about the stress after a long exhausting day at work even when it's just in a few minutes.
BrainHolesky is a talented Taiwanese artist who has been creating short animal comics that absolutely make people feel happy and right away fall in love with them. His comics involve lots of daily emotions such as affection, happiness, sorrow, or anger. And it seems like nothing better than using animal characters to lively express them all.
If you do not have much time during the day to enjoy your Entertainment like watching films or reading long books, just let these short and simple but lovely comics make your day.

#1 Bye

Source: brainholesky

#2 That's So Funny

Source: brainholesky

#3 Calm Down

Source: brainholesky

#4 Quickly!

Source: brainholesky

#5 Work From Home

Source: brainholesky

#6 Nani?!

Source: brainholesky

#7 OMG!

Source: brainholesky

#8 Competition

Source: brainholesky

#9 Death Roll

Source: brainholesky

#10 Poor Baby

Source: brainholesky

#11 Before & After

Source: brainholesky

#12 Let's Share This

Source: brainholesky

#13 Shhhh

Source: brainholesky

#14 Pewww

Source: brainholesky

#15 Cross The Road

Source: brainholesky

#16 Hang In There

Source: brainholesky

#17 Oh No

Source: brainholesky

#18 He Ruined It

Source: brainholesky

#19 Oops

Source: brainholesky

#20 Eh Hem!

Source: brainholesky