31 Frustrating Fails That Will Make You Laugh And Say "Well That Sucks"

Leona Martinez

We all experience unexpected events in our lives, and it's a natural part of our daily routine. Things don't always go as planned, and while it may be disappointing, it's a reality we must accept. That's why we have some of the funniest pictures of frustrating fails—to encourage you to take risks and experience the exhilaration and accomplishment.

The r/wellthatsucks subreddit is dedicated to "everything that happens in everyday life that makes you say "well, that sucks."" Below are some of the most upvoted posts this month on this online community. Scroll down to check them out for yourself. Don't forget to vote for the suckiest fails. Also, if you have been through any sucky things, please share them with us in the comments.

#1. Been feeling down lately so wanted to treat myself with a new face mask... got chemical burn instead

Source: livingdeaddrina

#2. Opened the door to my Bluebird nesting box to check on the growth of the baby birds and found this snake inside. All the birds were eaten

Source: Marty_the_Cat

#3. Little brother got a moped 5 days ago

Source: Blowbiden69

#4. Well that's unfortunate

Source: Readatron

#5. Lady at the plasma center wasn't having a good day ig

Source: BlueHellFire501

#6. I just wanted a glass of milk

Source: gcz1214

#7. Nobody told me there was no floor support in an attic...

Source: RainbowForHire

#8. Today I learned not to leave a clear bottle of water in my car on a hot sunny day!!

Source: WarningImBroken

#9. Accidentally cut through my homes fibre cable while doing some gardening

Source: CosmicJoker96

#10. My dog after only 5 minutes in the woods

Source: ku3ah

#11. Dog decided to bust through my bedroom door like the Kool-Aid man while I was at work

Source: AtticusVoid

#12. Well…

#13. This pizza I got from little caesars

Source: No_Plastic_9355

#14. Was enjoying a cup of coffee until...

Source: andimattone

#15. Instant Pot pulled pork explosion in our brand new kitchen

Source: nathanemke

#16. Just fell in my shower

Source: Pokespace365

#17. Accidentally let my shorts touch the floor for 2 seconds in the airport bathroom

Source: Bearspoole

#18. I broke both my feet last night

Source: minaylee

#19. New measuring cup. All the ink came off in the first wash

Source: Bdrodge

#20. 10 minute walk and I end up covered in about 40 ticks

Source: voltrodeath3

#21. Six weeks ago, I had the entire roof replaced

Source: Utterlybored

#22. Today's special: Chocolate Water

Source: girolski07

#23. I have 30 seconds to sweep this up before the cat pees on it

Source: stvckmind

#24. Someone crashed into our wall and drove off last night

Source: windowsol

#25. Today I lost my job and my bike

Source: stuart90320

#26. This is what I get for cheating on my diet

Source: baowzer

#27. My girlfriend shoes self destructed today at dinner

Source: bastian74

#28. My very enthusiastic dog ate my contacts and head-butted me all in the same day

Source: Mesphyria

#29. How is your day going?

Source: itsatrav

#30. My mcDonalds cup split in half when I put it in the cupholder

#31. Moved into a new home 5 days ago and also got a few new roommates

Source: _VoidCtrl_