20 Terrible Stair Designs You Need To See

Marry Anna

A staircase is a bunch of steps that help you go up or down, so people may think that creating a stair is quite an easy task among types of design. The designers just need to add step each by each until it reaches the height. But it’s just simple when the designers make it properly. Sometimes, they mess it up as they manage to create stairs according to questionable styles that are so terrible, and those poor designs can be potential dangers for users.
Today, we’re sharing a collection of bad stair designs from hilarious ones to disasters waiting to happen. Maybe you have to shout loudly “what on Earth on the designer’s minds when making these ridiculous stairs”. These design fails really exist and people who spotted or used them just have to share their pics online. Check them out!

#1. "I Think My Stairs Fit Here"

Image source: IsItKandar

#2. "They Built This School Like One Month Ago"

Image source: WifideRouter

#3. "No Broken Legs I Know Of"

Image source: slepsteRwasTaken

#4. "These Are Stairs In My Town. Just How?"

Image source: kprincess

#5. "Am I Going Up Or Down?"

Image source: quaxmill

#6. "These Stairs In My In-Laws’ Summerhouse. We Have Parties Here So Going Down These Stairs Drunk Is A Challenge"

Image source: reddit.com

#7. "Access For Wheelchairs On These Stairs"

Image source: CptnTryhard

#8. "That’s How I Broke My Leg"

Image source: Dis-Man-8

#9. "Imagine Being Drunk"

Image source: M3strefi

#10. I Think This Is Not Too Bad

Image source: jayapuraupdate

#11. "Stairs From The Top"

Image source: reddit.com

#12. "You Have To Go Up The Stairs, And Then Down The Stairs To Get To The Door"

Image source: ScorpionPC

#13. "Stairway To Heaven"

Image source: JohanCruijfff

#14. "The “Extra” Two Inches Of Concrete At The Top Of My Stairs. We Call It “The Tripper”"

Image source: DesertVol

#15. "I Saw This At My School"

Image source: Frezzi54

#16. "I Present To You Jeans Stairs Or Jairs"

Image source: Mr_PoodlePants

#17. "I Can See Why Someone Wanted To Fix This"

Image source: Centella111

#18. "Escalator/Stairs Combo"

Image source: Thund3rl1ps

#19. "Stairway To Heaven"

Image source: spookydaddio

#20. "The Longer You Stair, The Worse It Gets"

Image source: GoGators2