30 Tragic Hairdo Accidents That Redefine 'Bad Hair Day'

Leona Martinez

Changing hairstyles is something that requires a little bit of courage. Why do we say that? It's because changing your everyday hairstyle to something new is a really risky move. You will never truly know whether that new hairstyle suits you or not until you try it. And these people are the best examples. They brought all their courage to have the barber cut their hair, but the final results were so bad that that was the last time they went to the barbershop. And they shared their tragic hairdo accidents to the r/JustF**kMyS**tUp subreddit to remind people to reconsider carefully before trying new haircuts.
For those who don't know, this online community is dedicated to "jacked-up haircuts from all walks of life." We have collected a lot of pictures of tragic hairdo accidents from this group. We hope that these pictures will help you choose a hairstyle that fits you or one that you should avoid. Now, let's scroll down and take a look at 30 of the worst hair fails.

#1. Found this while scrolling through Instagram

Source: reddit.com

#2. This dude is running for school board in my town. Got a flyer in the mail with this pic and almost spit my drink out

Source: StrangeElk

#3. Double trouble time

Source: SecureDeBagAlert

#4. Irresistible

Source: MonkeyOnYourMomsBack

#5. Rat tail in front?

Source: britknee1887

#6. The result of asking my dad to go over my outgrown undercut again. Said he didn't want to "accidentally shave too far"

Source: crediblemayonnaise

#7. He looks like a Disney villain

Source: Fridge_1_Remasterd

#8. The Brexit; when your barber is European

Source: reddit.com

#9. Professor at my university rocking the bold two-tuft hairline look

Source: I_Ran_Over_Oprah

#10. When your company says no facial hair...

Source: airborneANDrowdy

#11. Kanye West’s new haircut

Source: r_dominic

#12. An old Donald Trump Jr. Yearbook photo

Source: spaghettios32

#13. A small tribute to the professional soccer fraternity. Here are some of my favorites

Source: TigerBubbles

#14. Fantastic Sam's circa 1991...

Source: RobAustinVinyard

#15. What in the name of good god

Source: glueisgood4you

#16. Peacock Karen- lvl 90 Boss

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: bpermaculture

#17. Extreme Karen ‘Do

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: CorncobSandwich

#18. Flying Saucers of the 1980s

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: reddit.com

#19. Diy ski mask

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: liudeyi

#20. Granted, it was on a program about conspiracies but still

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: Nooodlepip

#21. Hair for a Happy New Year's eve!

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: That_Cartoon_Chick_

#22. This guy...

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: ceral_killer

#23. Borrowed. Definitely belongs here tho

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: we_all_fuct

#24. Just saw this guy on my way home lol, does his cut qualify?

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: kavakravata

#25. Got my haircut in China: pic 1 is what I asked for, pic 2 is what I got

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: krockthewilly

#26. My wife took my 4-year-old son to a barber shop

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: Hshatara

#27. I have crossed paths with Meth Lab Myrtle and the Magical Mullet...spotted in Panama City Beach a few years ago

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: rbloedow

#28. When you ask for a line but the barber gives you an entire highway

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: instilledbee

#29. Certified Texan moment

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: BlueTrapazoid

#30. Stockbroker in the front, influencer in the back

Tragic Hairdo AccidentsSource: burning-daisies

If this list of tragic hairdo accidents is not enough for you, check out the hilarious photos from part one here.