30 Of The Weirdest Scientific Questions People Have Ever Asked

Leona Martinez

Scientific inquiry has been the driving force behind many of the greatest discoveries in human history. From the laws of physics to the mysteries of the cosmos, scientists have always sought to unravel the secrets of the universe. But sometimes, scientific questions can take a more unusual turn. People are posting the most bizarre scientific questions on the r/sh*ttyaskscience subreddit, and many of them are hilarious.

In this article, we will share with you 26 of the weirdest scientific questions people have ever asked. From the strange to the downright bizarre, we'll delve into the curious minds of those who have dared to ask some of the most unusual questions in science. So buckle up and prepare for a journey into the weird and wonderful world of scientific inquiry!

#1. Why does this 2 pound coin only weigh 0.02 pounds?

Source: chickymomo

#2. Does anyone know what to do when your dog deflates?

Source: jchauhann

#3. 1 or 2?

Source: Jobambi

#4. Is this why there's global warming?

#5. When will my dolphin seeds grow into full dolphins?

Source: cuttincows

#6. What kind of supercomputer can read this?

Source: comemaino

#7. How can I get my bananas to grow like this?

Source: Flaminate

#8. I accidentally spilled someone's cup of dryness. How can I get it back into the cup so they aren't mad at me?

Source: aaBabyDuck

#9. Are Jupiter’s giant ducks a potential threat to Earth?

Source: NoNo_Cilantro

#10. How does this image exist?

Source: Tornado9797

#11. Has the technology improved over the last 4 years?

Source: ziggah

#12. ELI5: What's the science behind this?

Source: Masked_Death

#13. Will this be able to run VR at 4k?

Source: tbrands

#14. Why did cats develop agile legs in their evolution if they can already convert into rapid transport monorails?

#15. Why does the yellow part not have a shadow and the black part does?

Source: thermiderp

#16. Did I just prove that you can divide by 0?

#17. What geological phenomenon caused Pluto to change so drastically in just 24 years?

Source: shadowfactsdev

#18. Skylight stops working at night. All other lights work 24/7, any electricians that can help me with this anomaly?

Source: usaf_jeff

#19. What caused this black hole?

Source: Pokemonrock

#20. I got these eclipse safety glasses on the cheap, can someone tell me how they work since they seem to be a bit unconventional?

Source: thermiderp

#21. I discovered I've accidentally been feeding my chickens popcorn instead of feed corn when my prized hen got too close to the heat lamp. Medical question: anything I can to? Culinary question: anything I can do?

Source: ZacHefner

#22. How come my water cooling system doesn't work?

Source: janbalti

#23. Who bent my pool stick?

Source: KendasKerman

#24. How can I bake my cake at 150 degrees without making a mess?

Source: wyndyteeee

#25. Is this really how magnets work?

Source: Jlloyd83

#26. My lab just got a new centrifuge, what setting do I use to get these results?

Source: ibjixx1

#27. How hard did the paper boy throw this newspaper?

Source: Ojioo

#28. Can this dog run twice as fast as a normal dog?

Source: rblask

#29. Will this much overclocking damage my CPU?

Source: arturowise

#30. What sort of animal makes footprints like these?

Source: ChrisTaFluffy