30 Epic Paint Fails That Are Too Sad To Cry

Leona Martinez

Have you ever noticed that clever use of color can turn one room into a bustling meeting room and another into a relaxing space for gobbling up books? Painting is interesting because it's a creative activity. Especially when you feel down, redecorating your house with paints is not a bad idea because it can make your nerves relax. However, sometimes, it can end up with failures.
Painting a house or an object might look easy. However, it's a task that is quite difficult and extra careful as you have to be laser-focused to avoid making common mistakes. Below are some of the top paint fails that make the cry goes out, "What crap paint this is!"? Scroll down to check them out. For more laughs, check out 25 Hilarious Photoshop Fails From Russian Social Networks That'll Make You Spit Out Water.

#1. Finished painting that wall, boss

Source: untrust-you

#2. I don’t paint often, so I was really proud of myself for remembering to wear gloves this time

Source: BugsRFeatures2

#3. My school’s attempt to paint over graffiti

Source: TheStaplerMan2019

#4. We got our doors painted during a remodel and the painters forgot to put the plastic covering on the ground

Source: JosephKirwan

#5. Fun with paint

Source: KevlarYarmulke

#6. Painted the road boss!

Source: SKCogs

#7. The city maintenance department painted the curb in my street

Source: AlyssonFromBrazil

#8. "Paint the edges of the sidewalk." "k."

Source: hivemind_disruptor

#9. Carpet was installed without a problem. But come time to paint...

Source: Antscannabis

#10. Painting the parking lot

Source: lasseoh

#11. Dropped my phone in industrial paint today...

Source: vFluxi

#12. Painted the disabled sign boss

Source: itsabrick420

#13. Painted the line, boss!

Source: wsnizik00

#14. Landlord painted over a penny

Source: LicenseToKill

#15. He got into the oil paint

Source: Goal1

#16. What??

Source: unknown / reddit

#17. I painted the fence boss

Source: extraSauce88

#18. Minor road incident. 10L of paint in the boot makes for a creamy hell (new jacket in there too yay)

Source: fstart

#19. Painted the wall boss

Source: moh206cc

#20. Saw my dude with car paint on his face, I’m a plumber. I raise you a fermented human waste and grease trap slurry!

Source: Coldpartofthepillow

#21. Paint can dropped at the top of the stairs

Paint FailsSource: KevlarYarmulke

#22. "Everyday is a good day when you paint." - Bob Ross

Paint FailsSource: BigCarBill

#23. Unintentional paint job

Paint FailsSource: NotRelevantQuestion

#24. This guy's paint spilled at a stoplight

Paint FailsSource: csmarcum

#25. Painted the parent and child parking spaces boss

Paint FailsSource: mrcoonut

#26. Paint the wall? OK

Paint FailsSource: unknown / reddit

#27. guess who ran out of paint...

Paint FailsSource: Walking_udder

#28. Dropping painting on your Austin Martin DBS

Paint FailsSource: getfackd

#29. Road paint mistake

Paint FailsSource: mangocb

#30. Waiting for the paint to dry so we could get off the roadway. The light pole disagrees with the sunny day

Paint FailsSource: unknown / reddit