30 Comics That Are Either Wildly Inappropriate Or Wonderfully Wholesome But Funny Nonetheless

Emily Mahboobeh

Hey, welcome to Aubtu, where we're convinced that laughter can fix almost anything. Whether you're in the mood for some feel-good chuckles or wildly inappropriate guffaws, we've got you covered.

You see, just like that ancient Chinese yin-yang thing, life's all about balancing opposites. In our case, it's the sweet and spicy, the family-friendly, and the 'not-safe-for-work' kind of humor.

So, go on, unleash your inner Jedi and Sith of comedy, and let the fun begin as we bring you!

#1. Oddly pacific

#2. Help

Help Source: Buddy Gator

#3. Praise

Praise Source: Seebangnow

#4. Arm

Arm Source: Buni

#5. Therapist

Therapist Source: Mayoking Comics

#6. Grownup

#7. Handsome

Handsome Source: MrLovenstein

#8. High five

High five Source: MrLovenstein

#9. Moon

#10. Bag

Bag Source: Wawawiwa

#11. Cure

#12. Help, again

Help again Source: Buddy Gator

#13. Block

#14. It's ok

#15. Love

Love Source: Raph

#16. Believe

Believe Source: Cameron spires

#17. Flowers

Flowers Source: Drawtism

#18. Try again

#19. American

American Source: Paul Noth

#20. Kiss on the lips

#21. Unstoppabble

Unstoppabble Source: Pancake Wendy

#22. Gay

Gay Source: Drawtism

#23. Magic carpet

#24. Sleep in peace

Sleep in peace Source: Jeremy Nguyen

#25. Leave it

Leave it Source: Jeremy Nguyen

#26. Oh no!

Oh no Source: constant pain

#27. Cat

Cat Source: Drawtism

#28. Really

Really Source: MrLovenstein

#29. Hi grandma

#30. Honest work

Honest work Source: Hannah Hillam
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