Why do kids do hilarious but dumb things? In this article, we are going to show you 27 pictures that capture the moments when kids were caught red-handed doing hilarious but stupid things. Below are some pictures of kids that parents around the world have shared online. Scroll down to check them out for yourselves.
We have no idea why these kids did such questionable things. But thanks to their cuteness and naiveness, we have rolled on the floor laughing for hours, and you will too. Now, let's take a look at these pictures and enjoy a fabulous laugh with us. If you have ever stumbled upon any dumb kids, feel free to share your interesting experience with us in the comment section below.
We have no idea why these kids did such questionable things. But thanks to their cuteness and naiveness, we have rolled on the floor laughing for hours, and you will too. Now, let's take a look at these pictures and enjoy a fabulous laugh with us. If you have ever stumbled upon any dumb kids, feel free to share your interesting experience with us in the comment section below.
#1. My 2yo Son practicing writing a “0” (Zero) - I’m pretty proud
Source: Wingo84
#2. My daughter came and told me that her car wasn't working. I found it like this. It looks like the alignment might be a hair off
Source: JephriB
#3. I didn’t know people actually did this
Source: BossMonkey83303
#4. It was me, I was the fucking stupid
Source: JfreakingR
#5. “I don’t want anymore, dad”
Source: MrRetroVertigo
#6. Hide and seek with my 2-year-old
Source: SwedishShawnKemp
#7. What species is this?
Source: canehdian_guy
#8. My wife may as well have gotten them swords and knives too
Source: Cemeterywind666
#9. Parents around the world
Source: KaiserNikko
#10. Kid sh*t in the pool in Vegas and now the pool is shut down. Thanks, kid
Source: Excellent-Rough4836
#11. My son playing hide and seek at my parents' house
Source: ohKeithMC
#12. That’s playdoh
Source: mpmwrites
#13. Mommy, why is my name Elephant?
Source: yaboiBradyC
#14. My son’s biggest fear
Source: barber_jim_norman
#15. My nephew wrote a letter to his father, how sweet
Source: wynzlopi
#16. Stupid are kids
Source: Wood-and-Whiskey
#17. They thought he was taking a picture of them
Source: maadyakrib
#18. My 3 yr old insisted on making me breakfast
Source: LockStockNL
#19. My 8yo. Lord help us when he's a teenager. I'm getting rose bushes ready
Source: MrZwodder
#20. My sister tries to drown the moment my mom looks away for a photo
Source: CamJude
#21. Why have food when you can have plastic straps?
Source: Toejam_Taco
#22. This looks delicious
Source: unlocomqx
#23. “Mom, can he sleep with us?”
Source: MSFGuyy
#24. My 5-year-old’s new favorite “toy”
Source: brhiebner
#25. Are you serious?
Source: indenial405
#26. That’s one way to get out of family Christmas pictures
Source: eternalrefuge86
#27. Abandoned apple - still life
Source: rollenr0ck