27 Dogs With Very Important Jobs Who Are Trying To Make Life Better For Humans

Leona Martinez

Dogs have long been known as man's best friend, but they're not just loyal companions—they also take on some very important jobs that contribute to making life better for humans. From working as service dogs to assisting in various professional fields, these remarkable canines play crucial roles in improving the lives of people around them. Whether it's guiding individuals with visual impairments, providing emotional support, or serving as search and rescue dogs, their dedication and unwavering commitment are awe-inspiring.

In this compilation, we'll highlight some of the dogs with very important jobs, showcasing their incredible abilities and the positive impact they have on society. So, get ready to be inspired and amazed by these furry heroes who go above and beyond to make the world a better place for all of us. Don't forget to vote for your favorites. And if you find this article funny, share it with your friends and family to give them a good laugh.

#1. I would be so proud of my dog if he got this job

Source: mikewall

#2. Last 4 legged hero from 9/11

#3. Good boy helping children testify in court.

Source: et-tuBrute

#4. Very good boys waiting to save the day in Croatia

Source: Fitbumblebee

#5. “Took a break in the sun, coworkers checked in to see if I was ok.”

#6. This good boy works very hard as a video game developer

Source: Remember__Me

#7. Good boys waiting to enter the hospital rooms of sick children for animal therapy time

Source: Scuola Italiana Cani Salvataggio

#8. That's called a selective snooot

Source: EXIDFanboy

#9. Stanley my medical alert pupper got to call 911 for the first time when I had ignored his alerts and fell into a seizure. He followed every step and tasked perfectly until medics arrived.

#10. A messenger doggo

#11. My hometown PD threw this brave officer a birthday party. Happy birthday, Max!

Source: everdayday

#12. This is Morty. He was deployed in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and jumped 30 feet out of a helicopter when he caught the scent of someone in need. He served in NC for Hurricane Florence too.

Source: gangbangkang

#13. This girl named Panda smiled at me like this for her entire plane ride shift. (Service dog)

Source: librolass

#14. Ruca goes on every call with me to bring back boaters who’ve had some bad luck. Shes been farther offshore than most people and in worse weather. People usually feel less stressed when they’re 60+ miles offshore and the dog pops out the cabin

Source: profileforadog

#15. Biscuit, a staff moral officer

Source: thecockmeister

#16. Orientation

Source: Whitlow14

#17. “This is Razor, a retired IED sniffer dog who worked in Afghanistan and visited our school today. Good boy level: over 9000!”

Source: Iawnmoher

#18. When ESPN had Air Bud do commentary for a basketball game

Source: ksklar99

#19. This is Sombra. A Colombian drug dog with a $70,000 bounty on her head

Source: bulletproofjake

#20. My local print shop has a dog working the counter

Source: Gabriel_NDG

#21. Stayed at an Airbnb in Portland. It was this doggos job (if requested by the guests) to keep us company while we were in during the day. Just had to call her down to our floor of the house. 5 stars

Source: thiccasssocks

#22. A little rain won't stop Spencer the therapy dog from cheering on runners in the Boston marathon

Source: mac_is_crack

#23. The rarest dog with a job I have ever seen! K9 Callie, the only US Air Force search and rescue dog, after a skydive!

Source: derawin07

#24. A much-deserved day off

Source: keelymepie

#25. End of report. Deputy Gage

Source: getahaircut8

#26. Doggo misses his jobbo

Source: tejastom

#27. What I secretly wish every service animal’s vest said

Source: mikewall