25 Lovely Comics About Animals That'll Brighten Up Your Day

Kyra Harris

Life can sometimes be overwhelming; all you ever want is a serene getaway. Why not take a trip to the wood and discover the never-before-seen life of wild animals there? Let these 25 lovely comics about animals do the job. They'll show you the savage yet fascinating life of a wolf pack, a deer, squirrels, and a possum. Let's scroll down and take a look!
The comics we will show you are from Awoo Comics by AC Stuart, who also goes by the name Andy. He is a Columbus-based artist who has a background in Art and Design. Andy shared that he had the world's largest collection of regrets. However, his comics featuring cute wild animals inspire people with positivity and wholesomeness. The blue and pink wolves are the leaders of the pack who have opposite personality traits. That said, they are like two peas in a pod, always siding with each other in difficult times. Although there are certain differences in their ways of dealing with problems, they still keep each other's best interests at heart.
The characters are well-illustrated and interestingly vivid. They are a reflection of the minor pleasures and annoyances we often encounter in our daily lives. Every comic panel is a story about friendship, the struggle with anxiety, and uplifting pep talk. If you have a gloomy day, these adorable comics are a must-read. Let's enjoy these lovely comics about animals and have some giggles! You can also check out this latest batch of comics to have a fabulous laugh. They'll be worth it!

#1. Too much love

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#2. Good job

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#3. True love

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#4. Grown-up

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#5. Believe in Kevin, who believes in you

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#6. Playing

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#7. Love language

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#8. Night and day

Lovely Comics About AnimalsSource: Awoo Comics

#9. Excuses

Source: Awoo Comics

#10. Relaxing

Source: Awoo Comics

#11. Smack talk

Source: Awoo Comics

#12. Mean a lot

Source: Awoo Comics

#13. Noble

Source: Awoo Comics

#14. Killer instinct

Source: Awoo Comics

#15. Franglais gang

Source: Awoo Comics

#16. Awoo

Source: Awoo Comics

#17. Goodnight

Source: Awoo Comics

#18. Affirmation

Source: Evie Hilliar

#19. Aging

Source: Awoo Comics

#20. Hissing

Source: Awoo Comics

#21. Truth

Source: Awoo Comics

#22. Daunting

Source: Awoo Comics

#23. Gruff! Tough!

Source: Awoo Comics

#24. Sixth sense!

Source: Awoo Comics

#25. "I sense a disturbance in the force."

Source: Awoo Comics