This Artist Creates Mesmerizing Illustrations Of 12 Zodiac Signs That Will Definitely Win Your Heart

Olivia Garcia

Since they relate to every human being on Earth, 12 astrology zodiac signs have long been an endless source of inspiration for many talented artists in plenty of different countries in this world. They see these stars as their muses and each of them has their own unique way to convey their creativity to us. No matter the style, size or materials, their artworks can always impress us because we often see a part of ourselves in these hypnotizing paintings.
Fernanda Fernandez is a Brazilian artist who specializes in digital painting and has a huge passion for fascinating portraits. The incredible lady has created countless alluring, ravishing illustrations of humans and flowers and of course, this mesmerizing collection of zodiac signs that Fernandez published in May 2019 is definitely worth your attention. Just take a moment to admire its beauty:

#1. Aries: the fearless, impulsive, intense

Image credits: mftfernandez

#2. Taurus: the dominant, generous, romantic

Image credits: mftfernandez

#3. Gemini: the curious, open-minded, communicative

Image credits: mftfernandez

#4. Cancer: the sentimental, protective, nostalgic

Image credits: mftfernandez

#5. Leo: the boss, pretentious, confident

Image credits: mftfernandez

#6. Virgo: the sensitive, lover, perfectionist, patient

Image credits: mftfernandez

#7. Libra: the diplomatic, stylish, popular

Image credits: mftfernandez

#8. Scorpio: the mysterious, sensual, complex

Image credits: mftfernandez

#9. Sagittarius: the adventurous, philosophical, optimistic

Image credits: mftfernandez

#10. Capricorn: the intelligent, ambitious, worker

Image credits:  mftfernandez

#11. Pisces: the creative, sensible, dreamer

Image credits: mftfernandez

#12. Aquarius: the revolutionary, independent, original

Image credits:  mftfernandez

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