24 Hilarious Illustrations Capture The Clash Between Eastern And Western Cultures

Jeffrey Murphy

Traveling around the world allows us to experience and appreciate cultural differences that exist to this day. It's exciting to explore new and unexplored territories, and this is what makes traveling enjoyable. Yang Liu is a young artist from Beijing who currently resides in Germany. Her project "Ost trifft West" or "East meets West" includes various illustrations of the social and cultural differences between her Eastern and Western worlds.

Through her work, she conveys a strong message about the differences she has personally experienced. The project consists of a series of infographic posters that compare German and Chinese people in accurate and humorous ways. These infographics highlight essential human elements such as self-perception, opinion expression, and mood. Yang Liu's work is a documentation of her own life, and every illustration is based on her personal experience over the past 13–17 years.

Let's take a closer look at these 24 amazing illustrations by Liu!

More info: yangliudesign.com | amazon.com

#1. Standing In A Line

Source: yangliudesign

Liu, who was raised in multiple cultures, does not feel that she belongs to any of them. "I am feeling myself more as a person who belongs to all the places I have been," she said. Cultural differences around the world are not only limited to social norms, family structure, religion, or cuisine. Factors such as historical, geographic, economic, and social conditions also shape our perception of and interaction with the world around us.

#2. Means Of Transportation

Source: yangliudesign

#3. Expressing Opinion

Source: yangliudesign

Adapting to a new country, regardless of how close or far it is from home, can be challenging and time-consuming. To adjust and adapt to a new culture, one may need to adopt new values, beliefs, customs, and behaviors. Building new relationships and keeping an open mind are essential to starting the process.

#4. The Boss

Source: yangliudesign

#5. Attitude Towards Punctuality

IllustrationsSource: yangliudesign

Liu's illustrations depict cultural differences in a humorous and accurate way. While some may recognize themselves more on one side than the other, it might raise questions about what else is different and how it affects our mental health. Can we learn new things and integrate them into our lives to make them easier?

#6. Expressing Feelings

Source: yangliudesign

#7. Dealing With Problems

Source: yangliudesign

#8. What’s Trending

IllustrationsSource: yangliudesign

#9. Noise Level At The Restaurant

IllustrationsSource: yangliudesign

#10. Traveling

Source: yangliudesign

#11. Mood And Weather

Source: yangliudesign

#12. Everyday Life Of Elderly

IllustrationsSource: yangliudesign

#13. At A Party

IllustrationsSource: yangliudesign

#14. Self Perception

Source: yangliudesign

#15. Cultural Perceptions: Germans vs. Chinese

Source: yangliudesign

#16. Contacts And Connections

Source: yangliudesign

#17. Children In The Family

Source: yangliudesign

#18. Three Meals A Day

Source: yangliudesign

#19. Cure For Stomach Ache

Source: yangliudesign

#20. Sundays On The Streets

Source: yangliudesign

#21. Lifestyle: Independent vs. Dependent

Source: yangliudesign

#22. Ideal Of Beauty

Source: yangliudesign

#23. Shower Time

Source: yangliudesign

#24. Novelties

Source: yangliudesign

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