24 Hilarious Cases Of "Oops, Not My F*cking Job"

Emily Mahboobeh

Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't be bothered to do anything? Well, these 24 cases take it to a whole new level! From the person who left the faucet overflowing to the employee who put his shirt over mannequin hands because it's "not my f*cking job", these tales of epic laziness will have you laughing out loud.
While some might call it laziness, we prefer to think of it as a work of art. These people have mastered the art of doing the absolute minimum, and we can't help but admire their dedication to not giving a darn. So, if you're feeling a little lazy or just need a good laugh, check out these hilarious tales. Who knows, you might even be inspired to say "Oops, not my f*cking job" the next time you're asked to do something you don't want to do. Just don't blame us if it gets you in trouble!

#1. Winner winner roadkill dinner":

Source: imgur

#2. Bruh...

Source: alssst

#3. "It's called fashion, guys."

Source: LaPetiteChou

#4. Well, at least they're being honest!

Source: imgur

#5. Paint me like one of your French girls.

Source: downman280

#6. Yeah, what Monday???

Source: Omnijones777

#7. LMAO.

Source: Omnijones777

#8. To the sky!

Source: Omnijones777

#9. You have one job...

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#10. No, sh*t!

Source: itsrandomright

#11. What yellow line?

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#12. Are you sure?

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#13. Well...

Source: imgur

#14. I'm actually impressed!

Source: AzizLiiiiiiiiiiight

#15. LOL.

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#16. What???

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#17. Now, this just pissed me off.

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#18. Please tell me it's a prank or sth.

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#19. And the winner of the "not my job" award goes to...

Source: imgur

#20. I-...

Source: IHaveNoIdeaAnymore

#21. The snake lives matter.

Source: imgur

#22. Who??

Source: imgur

#23. What's new about it???

Source: imgur

#24. Oh, f*ck off.

Source: pinimg

If you enjoyed these funny "not my f*cking job" moments, check out some more funny articles, awesome jokes, and hilarious stories here.