Devoted Man Pushes His Sick Dog Up A Mountain In Wheelbarrow For One Last Journey Together

Olivia Garcia

The hardest part of owning a pet is saying goodbye. Even though we would like to stay with them forever, dogs and cats can’t live as long as humans do and normally we are often the ones who bid them farewell after some happy years together. However, there are still so many things we could do for our beloved furry friends so they could live the last days of their life feeling loved and cherished.

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

Carlos Fresco and his labradoodle Monty had 10 pawsome years together. Their life was so great, until the poor dog was diagnosed with leukemia one year and a half ago. Carlos tried to help Monty battle against the illness and he recovered pretty well at first. But then 16 months later, the disease suddenly came back way more seriously.

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

“I knew Monty was dying as his cancer had returned,” Carlos said. “He was diagnosed 18 months ago and responded very well to chemotherapy. But unfortunately his leukemia returned eight weeks ago and he declined very rapidly.”

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

There was nothing much the heartbroken dad could do for his boy to make him lively and healthy again, but he could help Monty spend the last days of his life to the fullest. Carlos decided to share with Monty one last trip together by taking him to his favorite mountain, in a rusty wheelbarrow this time.

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

The man pushed Monty all the way up an 880-meter high mountain in Brecon Beacons on his own. They also met many kind-hearted strangers along the way who were glad to help with taking care of the dog.

Image: Carlos Fresco

“He loved hill walks and we improvised and took him on trips around your wonderful beacons. Although he was weak he enjoyed all the fuss and attention received by so many well-wishers,” the man recalled. “People on the hills were so kind and equally so sad at his deteriorating condition. In fact, total strangers asked if they could share in pushing Monty on his last journey - many total strangers shed a tear as we all love dearly our little four-legged friends.”

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

Carlos, of course, was really grateful for their goodwill.

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

“I would like very much to thank them all for their support, encouragement and genuine concern over Monty,” he said.

Image: Carlos Fresco

The sweet dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge not long afterward, but he would continue to live in his dear dad’s heart forever.

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

“That little guy touched so many lives. Made everyone he came into contact with smile and just take a moment to reflect how sometimes life’s not that bad,” said Carlos. “Our little companions are never judgemental, are always there waiting for you and offer comfort when things haven’t gone well.”

The man has the last journey with the sick dogImage: Carlos Fresco

Please share this moving story with your loved ones!
H/T: Brecon Radnor
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