23 Weird Vintage Ads That Will Make You Giggle In Confusion

Emily Mahboobeh

Over the past 50 years, the world has gone through significant changes - some for the better. But looking back at old advertisements, it's clear that some things have definitely not aged well. From rampant sexism and racism to promoting unhealthy habits like smoking and giving newborns soda, it's hard to believe some of these ads were ever approved. In fact, many of these vintage ads are so ridiculous and offensive that they would never see the light of day in today's world. Even companies as big as Du Pont once thought it was funny to cellophane-wrap young children!
So, if you're ready to cringe and laugh at the same time, check out our compilation of the weirdest, most outrageous vintage ads that would be banned if they were released today. Just be warned - some of them are pretty offensive!


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads


Source: vintageads

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